Multi Switches

John Smith

Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
I want to feed sixteen receivers from the Dish 119 satellite, what switches do people recommend?

It seems to me that the switches readily available out there should work as there will only be voltage switching for left and right hand polarization and nothing for satellite selection.

Are there any hints for setting up the receivers like what happens when the receiver does not find a Dish switch during the switch check, if indeed a switch check is necessary with this configuration.

If I want to go to Dish 500 with 110 and 119 what switches are available to do this to feed sixteen receivers?
This should work. Description
16-Way Multi Switch, 2 in 16 out $129.99.
You should not need to run check switch for one sat location.

John Smith said:
If I want to go to Dish 500 with 110 and 119 what switches are available to do this to feed sixteen receivers?

Use a DPtwin LNB and cascade DP34 switches all day long(four per switch)
:) :)
Easiest way is to use a DishPro Quad and 4 SW34 switches. I attached the pdf doc but you will have to right click on the download link and click on save target as... and it will download for you. Good luck
If its DishPro technology and we are talking only 1 bird...couldn't a 16 port splitter which passes 950-2150 Mhz work? I mean RHCP/LHCP polarities are already stacked into the coax. Get a 16 port splitter with 1 power pass, hook em all up. The receiver with the power pass will have 119 and SGL, the others will have 119 and FEED.

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