Mulitple Hoppers not seeing each other


New Member
Original poster
Jun 19, 2018
East TN
Hey, I've searched the forums and can't find the resolution if there is any. I had Dish installed yesterday after 12 years with Directv. We have 13 tvs, so they sent us a hopper 3 and 5 joeys (4k), and sold me another hopper 3 and 6 joeys. While the technician was here, he could show me how to hit the DVR button and there was a box that showed each Hopper on the same network. Both Hopper 3's are still connected (wifi) to the same network, but I can't go to one hopper and see the recordings on the other hopper. Right now they are functioning as two separate TV accounts. Any help in how to get them to see each other again? I am okay that they stay separate recorders, but I would like to be able to access them from any room.
Hey, I've searched the forums and can't find the resolution if there is any. I had Dish installed yesterday after 12 years with Directv. We have 13 tvs, so they sent us a hopper 3 and 5 joeys (4k), and sold me another hopper 3 and 6 joeys. While the technician was here, he could show me how to hit the DVR button and there was a box that showed each Hopper on the same network. Both Hopper 3's are still connected (wifi) to the same network, but I can't go to one hopper and see the recordings on the other hopper. Right now they are functioning as two separate TV accounts. Any help in how to get them to see each other again? I am okay that they stay separate recorders, but I would like to be able to access them from any room.

I've found that connecting 2 Hoppers to see each other over a home network is at best unreliable. The way they should be connected is by connecting the client ports on the hubs that is part of the wiring. The hub is what connects the line from the dish or switch to the line from the Hopper and the lines from the Joeys. The Joeys are connected to the client ports. If you connect the client ports, using splitters if necessary, then they should see each other every time. :)

And welcome to the forum. :)

I've found that connecting 2 Hoppers to see each other over a home network is at best unreliable. The way they should be connected is by connecting the client ports on the hubs that is part of the wiring. The hub is what connects the line from the dish or switch to the line from the Hopper and the lines from the Joeys. The Joeys are connected to the client ports. If you connect the client ports, using splitters if necessary, then they should see each other every time. :)

And welcome to the forum. :)


I will have to find a technician to come do that. I wouldn't begin to know how. It should be easy as all the homerun wires from each cable box come to a central media cabinet.
I will have to find a technician to come do that. I wouldn't begin to know how. It should be easy as all the homerun wires from each cable box come to a central media cabinet.
You won't find a technician to do that. It's not authorised by Dish. It's one of those things that Dish says won't work and will cause problems, but people who've done it know better. The lines form your dish go to a 42 switch - a grey "box" with 2 lines coming out. Each line goes to an orange hub, that looks like an odd 3 way splitter. 2 ports on each one are labelled client. Run a jumper from the client on on hub to the other, joining them together. You can add splitters for the cables that were coming off those 2 ports to reconnect them to the system
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