hemi, cable gets its price for the box and their ``free'' hd from what they charge for an hd dvr each month. last time i paid for one of their boxes, it was 6.95 for the digital box (which you don't get) plus 9.95 a month for the hd dvr.
i got dtv mrv when it cost 99.99 for an install plus 3.99 a month for the service. i think 20 bucks a month is steep.
since i left dtv, i have a tivo in the bedroom and one of bhn's hd dvrs in the living room.
Yep, I know, But D* increased there MRV Install to $200 and they also will not Upgrade your SD equipment to HD for free.
It would cost me with my local cable company
$39.95 per month for 3 HD DVRS and a Stand alone HD receiver.
Now if they did MRV for $20 it would cost me $6 more per month then what D* would cost me right now for Equipment..
Only Difference is with Cable its Spread out, I wouldn't have to front $200-$400 like I do with satellite.
But thats what I'm trying to say, Yes it is more money in my case , But thats just my cable company!
My Equipment might cost $39.95 , But the Blue Ridge Digital HD Plus is only $83 Per month
Thats $123 per month. Add all the premiums and I'm Looking at $159.
Same setup with D* would cost me $150 Per month. But no VOD like cable,and not even close with the premiums either,And my local Cables has more National NON RSN's HD channels.
Yes cable has high prices on their boxes, but the price difference is minimal over all.
I add High Speed and phone with Cable , Its Beats D*/Verizon Bundle in my area by $50 the fist year and $30 the second.
Its a tough market, But Cable still has by far way more customers then satellite. and for many good reasons.