Motorized Dish


New Member
Original poster
Dec 30, 2005
Hi, I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question or not but here goes.
I am trying to setup a SMP990 Motor with a 39" dish and a Viewsat Platinum reciever. I am ready to pull my hair out as nothing seems to work. I've read a couple of setups and followed them word for word but in the end my dish just doesn't go to the satellites I have selected. I have tried setting the USALS to no avail. My Latitude is 50.20N, Longitude is 105.33W. If anyone can give me a good step by step for this particular motor I would be very happy. Thank you for any help.
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if you would like to join us in the FTA section i'm sure you question will be answered there or

if one of the Mods will move it to the FTA section

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