Well, I've been watching television for half a century.
I consider 1980 the cut off point for "retro"...
I prefer 50's, 60's and some 70's shows.
What's been on TV for the last 30 years is pretty much, um, BS.
And OLD movies, like the 30's - 50's, I miss those. Whitesprings covered my needs there but they are no more and I can't find anything to fill the gap.
They are still streaming via web but it's 320 x 240 and when you make it go full screen it looks HORRIBLE. Especially on my Vizio 32" flat screen.
It also doesn't play from my satellite app so I can't control it, start it, stop it, pause it, or record it with my remote control. I used to record a lot of stuff on Whitesprings. I had a heck of a hard time getting a dish adjusted right to get them and right after I did they did a big nose dive.
I still want an "everything box" that uses one remote control and gets everything, everywhere. Ku, Cband, OTA, youtube, Whitesprings, etc..
I see everyone is coming out with new internet TV boxes but they are all incompatible with each other, one will get X and one will get Y and the other one gets Z. But none of them get everything.
Oh well. It is free.. I can't wait to get my Cband up and get ThisTV again. There was nothing on tonight so I watched recordings of Judge Joe Brown and The View all night then saw one of the Mummy movies on Cubavision. It was the one where he is in China. I like that guy, Brendan Fraser.
: He's pretty hot.. :lick
Thank you Cuba for the good movies..