MLB All Star Game in HD on Dish?

Scott Greczkowski

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Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I am hearing some rumblings that there is a good chance that Dish Network may carry the Major League Baseball All Star Game in HD on the HD Events channel this year. However because this game is on FOX I have a hard time believing that they will just give Dish the All Star Game, especially since Fox is owned by Newscorp who also owns DirecTV.

However because this game is on FOX I have a hard time believing that they will just give Dish the All Star Game, especially since Fox is owned by Newscorp who also owns DirecTV.

From what I know the game will be in 720p.

I am also hearing that DirecTV will also be showing the game in HD as well.

I am trying to get confirmation from Dish Network about this now.
Hey, I thought the consent decree Rupert agreed to prohibited this kind of exclusionary behavior. As long as it isn't delivered via terrstrial means (the comcast sportsnet philly loophole) they are supposed to make this available to all who want it....

Unless of course Charlie has to actually PAY for it, in which case it might not happen for those reasons.........
It will likely be put on the PPV-HD Transponder and the PPV-HD will be suspended during the duration of the game.

I wonder of FOX O&O stations will broadcast the game 480p or 720p if they are 720p equipped?
GaryPen said:
Jeez Rad. You got me worried for second. Personally, my 8-Ball says "Outlook is good."

Ken is usually fairly accurate on these types of things, I'm hope he's wrong in this case.
The All-Star game is just around the corner... Has there been any more movement on this? Can we start inviting our friends over to watch the game in HD?
My local Fox DT OTA seems to broadcast the network feed in ED. So, that oughts look pretty good, even if it ain't HD. Better than grainy Dish locals, anyway.

But...From what I understand, most Fox DT affiliates already have the capability to broadcast HD. I would also assume that Fox either owns, leases, or can hire on a one-off basis, remote HD facilities for sporting events, as there has already been much ado about FSN HD.

As such, they oughta just do the game in HD. It'll be a great piece of PR and Marleting for their upcoming HD rollout.
GaryPen said:
I didn't see any facts in that thread. It seemed to be based on somebody's "8-Ball".

Ken's 8 Ball has proven itself to be better informed than most people's cold hard facts.

Read the quotes from 'Ken H' - he'll let you know what's confirmed and what's speculation.
Might be moot since the HD Special Events channel isn't there anymore as far as I can tell. Did they get rid of it to make room for TNT HD?
BobMurdoch said:
Might be moot since the HD Special Events channel isn't there anymore as far as I can tell. Did they get rid of it to make room for TNT HD?

From what I have read it only appears in the guide within the appropriate timeframe of an event and that most current guide download.

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