Microsoft buying Nokia?


Too many cables
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Sep 25, 2003
Norman, OK
Russian rumor: Microsoft to buy Nokia for $30bn ? The Register

Today's unsubstantiated but intriguing rumor: Microsoft will buy Nokia's mobile division – smartphones, feature phones, plain-vanilla phones – for $30bn, and the deal will be completed this year because "??? ???????? ????? ?????? ?????????."

That last phrase is Russian for "both companies are very much in a hurry," and comes from the personal blog (English translation) of Eldar Murtazin, the publisher of Mobile-Review and the source of the rumor.

Murtazin's blog post, by the way, doesn't mention the $30bn figure – that detail comes from SoftSailor, which doesn't point to their specific source.

Maybe windows phone will be like iphone and MS will have top to bottom control like apple.
Russian rumor: Microsoft to buy Nokia for $30bn ? The Register

Maybe windows phone will be like iphone and MS will have top to bottom control like apple.

I just dont see windows phone taking market share from android or iphone. There's significant share with Nokia's os (symbian I think), blackberry and a few other stragglers. But I think it will be a duopoly (android and ios) that has the lions share of the market (75 -80% between them) in the next few years.

Controlling the stack from parts to OS is a nice feature and owning Nokia would allow that -- but I don't know if MS can make it happen enough to be successful. And if this fails it could very well be the beginning of the end for MS. Here I am assuming it's a done deal which is not certain.

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It doesn't make a lot of sense that Microsoft would buy third place in any market unless they're deathly afraid that Nokia will go Android/Chrome.

It seems like RIM would be a better choice given the dependence on Microsoft's evil Exchange Server.
It doesn't make a lot of sense that Microsoft would buy third place in any market unless they're deathly afraid that Nokia will go Android/Chrome.

It seems like RIM would be a better choice given the dependence on Microsoft's evil Exchange Server.

Too much "NIH" technology for Redmond to swallow with RIM.

NIH == Not Invented Here

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I think with MS' latest activities (Nokia, Skype, etc.) the question is:
what is it they do to grab market share, and what - to prevent others from doing it.

With Nokia it is probably the first (hard to imagine who else would be interested and so desperate).
And in theory I believe it is the right move, i.e. the only way to become a player in this market.
Most of the negativity is likely based on MS' (usual!) way of buying its way into a market.
As opposed to Google's jump from 3.5% to 35% of the world smartphone OS marketshare in about a year.

I just have a hard time believing MS is interested in manufacturing 100M+ phones per year...:)

MS has to do something with the smartphone market and do it quick. It is not really the smartphone market that is the problem but the tablet market. Smartphone are successfully growing into tablets, desktop/laptop computers have not been successful shrinking into tablets. MS will lose its desktop in the home market to tablets if it does not get a handle on the situation soon. Assembling a phone company, getting W7 (phone) working and growing into tablets could be a path to at least get a good share of the lost home computer market. Skype gives it a facetime competition, nokia a hardware platform, and W7 (phone) could grow into something competative fast with a top to bottom platform.

The situation is very dire at MS. If tablets take control they could grow into desktops (i.e. like apple's dock). When is that last time the home computer market shrank 2 years in a row? Business computers will keep MS afloat, but how long until businesses start to change too? Look at blackberry, it was business all the way now it is eroding fast. I love the concept of the phone plugging into the screen/keyboard and becoming a laptop/desktop. In a couple years the smartphone will have the power of the average current desktop. With the slim down OSes they will run so fast that they will keep up with Windows bloat.

Intel just showed 2014 having a 14nm Atom with a whole new architecture. With a slim OS like android/ios it will probably be able to do as much as 75%+ of the current notebook/PC market.
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New technologies follow the Gartner Hype cycle, something like this


Hype Cycle Research Methodology | Gartner Inc.

I.e. linear extrapolation does not work.
Just like the idea of netbooks killing everything from desktop to server faded away, so will the idea of almighty smartphones/tablets.
At least in the form we know them now...

Too much "NIH" technology for Redmond to swallow with RIM.
It would seem that you're laboring under the misconception that Microsoft develops most of their own software. Much of what they offer today was acquired in whole or in part and laced with other acquired code and technology.
It doesn't make a lot of sense that Microsoft would buy third place in any market unless they're deathly afraid that Nokia will go Android/Chrome.

It seems like RIM would be a better choice given the dependence on Microsoft's evil Exchange Server.

Nokia not going Android nor Chrome they already turned them down and it's a signed done deal that Nokia canned their OS that they were doing for their phones due to it was not selling. Nokia only going too make Windows Phone Devices they have already agreed to that the latest thing is that Microsoft is looking at just buying Nokia Mobile department is all.. There is nothing wrong with Exchange either with the next updated coming out this fall for the WP7 devices there are going to be even more cool features coming out.. It's easy to see that with HTC and now Nokia the top 2 phone manufactures making WP7 devices that this will put Microsoft at the top with Android in the market.. HTC makes some really good devices and now with Nokia jumping on board Microsoft will have some of the best if not the best phone hardware on the market.. Google has already said their not worried about Apple or anyone else but Microsoft everyone knows this that once Microsoft got serious about the mobile market it going to do very well. All the hardware companies know this and have already committed to it due to they know it will do well. So WP7 and WP8 so forth will do well and those who don't see this have their heads in the sand. Either way WP7 right now to me has the best phone on the market and in the next year or so it's even going to get better and the features are going to get better along with the future hardware that is coming out for WP7.. :)
Geeez, you make Apple fanboyz look like very rational people...
It has been brought up before: here is where WP7 is now, something between mediocre and miserable.
AnandTech - HTC HD7: Now With NoDo

Predictions what will happen tomorrow and the day after shouldn't be mixed with hallucinations...

Nokia really isn't as big in the US as it is in the World, but even then it isn't that significant anymore.
Steve Mehs said:
LOL, Quote of the year! :D As much as I hate Apple, at least they’ve proven themselves in the market. Microsoft is just failure after failure after failure.

I wouldn't call them a failure in the PC market, just a huge failure in the mobile market LOL.

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International consumers aren't queer for Microsoft like Americans are. If you put brain damaged software on a good phone, the market won't buy it.
I'm actually optimistic about Microsoft mobile strategy.
Not "they are gona kill everybody tomorrow" optimistic, but no matter how short the
list of companies left standing in this market will be, MS will be one of them, I think.

I don't remember who's quote this is but believe it reflects real life in technology:
"We always overestimate what will happen in 3 years and underestimate what will happen in 10".

I don't think MS has done much innovation since the internet began but they don't avoid fights.
Combining their cash pile, intimidation, circle of "friends" and products like Windows and Office helps them keep rolling.

They have success in the game console market.
It's is hard to say how much $$ it made them, certainly less than the Playstation brand. But it is getting better:
the moment this business went online, Sony showed its amateurish approach and I don't see this changing any time soon.

I believe Win7 (WinServer 2008 R2 even more so) is a tremendous success.
The Vista disaster is fading from memory and if MS can make Win8 even half as successful, they have turned the corner.

Bottom line: MS isn't dead yet and won't in the near future.
Mobile is slowly entering adolescence where magic and sh!t has less chance to fly than with the geebees and waifai crowd.
Pontification about post-PC era can take you only so far. When the dust settles the picture might look very different than today...

On CES Ballmer announced that Windows 8 will run on ARM and be compatible with three SOCs: NVidia, Qualcomm and TI.
Intel takes pot-shots at ARM Windows, misses point completely

During its Investor Meeting Intel was talking about 4 flavours of Win8 for ARM.
This discrepancy got resolved with ST Micro announcing that Nokia's WP7 phones will be based on ST-Ericsson U8500 flavour of ARM.
Nokia's Windows Phones will feature dual-core ST-Ericsson U8500, says STMicroelectronics chief -- Engadget

Well It is a great news for me . Thanks for your sharing with me . I think that both companies will have an ability to earn more after merger as compared to what they are earning currently .

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