Loyal But Frustrated DirecTv Customer - Help!

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New Member
Original poster
Jan 17, 2013
San Diego, CA
I'm new to the forum, but figured I'd get a post out here to see if anyone has had a similar issue...

We have been DirecTv customers since the summer of 2004. We have two receivers in the house - one antiquated RCA non-HD receiver that we received when we signed up and one non-HD DVR that's about 6 years old. We finally splurged and bought an HD TV a month ago, so naturally, we wanted to look into replacing the non-HD DVR with a modern unit to take advantage of the new TV's capabilities. While at Costco, I spoke to the DirecTv representative about whether or not they offer discounted or free upgrades to HD equipment for existing customers. He said that if our equipment is as old as I say and we've been customers for almost 10 years, there should definitely be something they could do. Makes sense, right? Well, I have called DirecTv's equipment department three times to ask the same question. Each time, I've gotten a verbal quote of $450 (which they say is discounted) for a Genie unit for the HD TV, a second unit for our non-HD TV and the overall installation. WHAT? The second option is just a straight HD DVR for the HD TV, an upgrade to a modern non-HD receiver for the other TV and the associated installation for a little over $200. Better, but, stilll.....WHAT?

Let me preface this by saying that I am not the kind of person who expects something for nothing, but I'm also not going to pay through the nose for a service that the average new customer gets for near free. I understand that the new subscriber deals are built to pull business in the door, but what about retention of existing customers?

My next thought was to just cancel with DirecTv and go with Dish Network and take advantage of a new subscriber deal for the Hopper...no luck there either. They informed me that our contract isn't up until October of this year and that there would be a $200+ cancellation fee to do so....road block there too.

We have never had any issues with the service itself, but I'm starting to become concerned with DirecTv's lack of concern with meeting their customers half way to keep them happy and ultimately keep their business. At this point, it's looking like we suck it up and have standard definition service with a new TV until October...

Anyone have any similar issues or any ideas?

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:welcome to Satelliteguys!

The price you were quoted is the "normal" price for a Genie, extra box, and installation. You may get a better offer if you call the retention department. When you call, say cancel at the prompts and you will be sent there. BTW, I don't understand why you are still under a commitment unless you had a new box added in Oct of 20011, or some sort of upgrade back then. Was there? If not, they may have mistakenly given you a commitment that doesn't exist and you could be free to leave if you really want to.
call retention or email the office of the president
just remember to be polite
Something seems awful fishy here. You have been a customer since 2004 and have all old equipment and you are still under contract and they don't want to give you any help, doesn't sound right. If you have been with them since 2004 and have
not received new boxes,ect.. you should not be under any type of 2 year commitment. They also would be very willing to give you a good deal on getting you set up with the modern equipment. Like someone said, go to cancellations and tell
them you are thinking of cancelling unless they can help you out, they will help you without a doubt. Unless you got a new receiver or something recently and forgot to mention it here.
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