Lower Local channel numbers


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Sep 8, 2003
I have installed a couple of 301 and 510 and the locals channel numbers have never re-mapped to the lower numbers. i have tried to re-boot the systems without luck. Is this something I need to call back in and have the signals resent? Any help on this matter would be appricatied.
Bruno - Same problem here when I added a 508 to my home last April. Tech support has tried everything they can think of to do without success. They even sent out a replacement unit to no avail. My old 501 did and still does map to the lower station numbers. Dish does not admit to ever having this problem with any other 508.

I'm stumped, I hope you have better luck! Any ideas anyone???

510 Hard Drive Problem


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