Lost Some HD Channels


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Aug 15, 2004
Chicago, IL
Hey Guys,

So sometime today I lost my H2 HD channel along with SCI HD, Syfy HD and possibly some others. Any Idea what could be going on? I have done a switch check and rebooted the box. Everything checks out on the sat screen. 119,110,129 all check out.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hey Guys,

So sometime today I lost my H2 HD channel along with SCI HD, Syfy HD and possibly some others. Any Idea what could be going on? I have done a switch check and rebooted the box. Everything checks out on the sat screen. 119,110,129 all check out.

Any help would be appreciated.


Is your guide set on someones favorites list? Did you try to enter say 122 from remote?
I did they are at 50% I will call and have them come out tomorrow. I have a 1000.2 does the 1000.4 have the western arc yet? I'm thinking I will have a better signal with a 1000.4
I did they are at 50% I will call and have them come out tomorrow. I have a 1000.2 does the 1000.4 have the western arc yet? I'm thinking I will have a better signal with a 1000.4

Ok so post the signal levels for 119 - Trans 16, 110 -Trans 16 and 129 - Trans 20/23 for me please and I'll tell you if they are good or not.
119 Trans 16: 80
110 Trans 16: 76
129 Trans 20: 49 Trans 23: 55

Dish tech support was telling me 50 is great! I didn't think 50 was great at all.

Your signals are good. It's not a percentage reading, it's a signal quality reading.

Have you tried running a check switch?
I have done it all. They still will not return, one of the channels i was talking about it on 119 TP 16. I don't understand why they just disappeared mid day. They also refreshed the signal to both hoppers. I don't know what else it could be.
119 Trans 16: 80
110 Trans 16: 76
129 Trans 20: 49 Trans 23: 55

Dish tech support was telling me 50 is great! I didn't think 50 was great at all.

Those levels are perfectly fine and close to near optimal. Do a system check like asked already as in system info let everything progress. Then run another check switch and re-download program guide. Sounds to me that something is changed on how the guide is populating cause from those levels it appears fine for signal strength. You may also wish to look at your programming online to see if something didn't get changed without you knowing, I mean never know.

When you re-run the check switch make sure all 3 sats and all 3 tuners are showing green checks and duo node is listed. Is the node outside?
Well, he is here. He has replaced the LNB as it looks like it was dropped. He checked the signals and they are all good, but still no hd channels that are missing. Its only a few specifics because I have all at the others. So we will see what happens.
He replaced the LNB, the one all the way to the right had a big white spot on it from being dropped. That didn't work I believe he also changed the node. But I asked him again he said it was the LNB and the switch so I wonder if he was meaning the node.
He replaced the LNB, the one all the way to the right had a big white spot on it from being dropped. That didn't work I believe he also changed the node. But I asked him again he said it was the LNB and the switch so I wonder if he was meaning the node.

The node has me wondering cause I had asked if it was outside and since you are in Chicago cold temps will cause these things to act funny with signal. Best to have them inside if possible but sometimes that requires way too much re-wiring work for a tech already not making enough money as it is.

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