I have had a super dish and 322 receiver for 3-4 years and it has worked okay until lately. When I turn on the satellite no TV, I get the error message "Problem detected with your connections" , etc, it starts doing switch check, then I get a message like "If there is bad weather try again later." I have found that if I turn the receiver off and on several times, then I will get picture and sound. At first just TV 1 was doing it, now TV2 is doing it also, but not as bad, but getting worse. When the system was first installed, the "tech" did not put the gooey black stuff on the coax connections and I blew out 3 receivers before someone else from Dish figured out what was wrong. Water getting in the lines and shorting out the receiver. So any ideas on what to look do/look for? I would like to pull all of the coax connections apart on the dish/switch and clean them good for starters, can you get the black gooey stuff someplace or what else to use. I am in Montana, so the system is subject to rain, snow, etc. and I don't want to start blowing up receivers again. Would like to get it fixed before winter sets in again. Any thoughts or help appreciated.