Othea was constructive, will look into the SG sponsorship or whatever upgrade allows non intrusive access. A couple of replies assumed we were looking for an email list. Since we are a publisher of a newspaper, we were hoping to find postal mailing lists to send out a sample of the paper to FTA dish owners.
There are some things brewing in FTA I'm aware of, particularly whats happening in the radio side as the whole crowd represents a rather significant vanguard of political discontent with the present crop of political criminals inreasingly encroaching on Constitutional guarantees -- to say nothing of the coverup of how deep the present fiscal meltdown actually is. Watch for more of those types moving from radio to TV.
Most of the political (and a few of the "alternative" religious -- myself included) have migrated to fta and streaming from Shortwave Radio.
An interesting fact is, being in the direct mail area as well as a broadcaster, I've found there are commercial mailing lists available for just about anything imaginable, but Satellite is elusive. A magazine (think it was OnSat) once offered a list of C Band subscribers as well as DirecTV subs, but had nothing in FTA as it was a bit early then in the ku arena.
Although the net has devastated a lot of print interests, many still like to kick back with a hard copy publication in their hands. Thus, I'm still looking for that elusive list.