Very Correct. The current time length to become a qualified former customer is six months. You must have left on good terms with no balance owed and any leased equipment returned satisfactory.
That being said along with a welcome to you and my statement. I don't care about dish giving me something they give all the new customers. I buy all my own equipment anyway. I never lease. And of course I never call them either. Haven't spoken to a CSR in 3 years about my own account.. I fix everything myself and when it breaks I just replace it. What I would rather see is programming price cuts for us customers that own our stuff and take care of our stuff. I know this will never happen.. But there are some of us out here who don't complain, or whine when we can't get something for free.. We have been in this since the old days when we knew that this stuff cost money. I deal with customers all day long that think that they are just entitled to something. I realize that Dish has brought most of this on itself by giving everything for free from the start. Those of us that live where you can get cable know why we have dish and would gladly pay for having it. Those that live in areas that have no other options would also gladly pay to be able to see TV.. Satellite TV can not compete with cable in the giveaway department. What they do offer is alternatives to the lousy cable systems in most areas and the areas without anything. Somehow I feel like if they charged for everything and quit loosing all that money they could once again lower prices to well below what the cable company charges..