Local channels

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Original poster
Dec 28, 2004
Hi. Hope someone can help. Awhile back when Directv was first offering "my local channels coming soon" I phoned directv and asked if i was able to get them and awas told yes but i could not get the multi-dish until they were online. So time came and am told that i am not in the "market area" according to my zipcode. The place i need local channels from is 20 miles from me they have my local wether,news,school closings. The local area Directv has me in via my zipcode is miles away and they do not have my local news ect. Any ideas on wow i can get this threw to Directv? I was just on the phone for an hour and no luck. Two houses up from me have a differant zipcode and can get the local stations i need. I noticed on Directv's website where you check local stations it says under mine(the one i need) does not have to be confirmed(at the bottm of the page they have a key like (*,**).Should i try using the zipcode up the road from me? Any ideas please. Thanks
Your DMA area is NOT decided by any of the DBS companies. It is via the local affiliate that claims you and via the FCC rules. The DBS providers just uphold the rules & areas that are laid out for them. Complain to the FCC and your local affiliates.
Is the house up the road closer or farther away from the locals you want?

I'd just put in a zipcode change to DirecTV and see what happens. :)
But, don't tell anyone I said that. :D
just change the physical address of your receivers and your all set to go.
Change your physical address to an area that will gain you access to your locals and keep your billing as your current address.
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