Need a little help setting up my new Antenna I'm suppose to get 3 cnannels with this new large antenna, but I'm only getting 1, the installer said I might turn it a little and be able to get the other 2 but I'd have to keep doing that. I'd like to get ABC for the oscars tonight. the setting looks the same on degrees for NBC but thats all i'm getting How do I get into the Voom settings to search for Locals, I didn't see what the installer did with the remote? And do I just turn it to the right a little? zip 32456 Fl.
DTV Antenna
* blue - uhf WMBB-DT 13.1 ABC PANAMA CITY FL 357° 36.5 19
* blue - vhf WJHG-DT 7.1 NBC PANAMA CITY FL 356° 42.3 8
* violet - uhf WBIF-DT 51 PAX MARIANNA FL Awaiting FCC Permit 351° 48.3 51
DTV Antenna
* blue - uhf WMBB-DT 13.1 ABC PANAMA CITY FL 357° 36.5 19
* blue - vhf WJHG-DT 7.1 NBC PANAMA CITY FL 356° 42.3 8
* violet - uhf WBIF-DT 51 PAX MARIANNA FL Awaiting FCC Permit 351° 48.3 51