Limit set on Fortec Dynamic

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 16, 2008
SouthWest Ohio
I set the east west limits on my Fortec Star Dynamic receiver and can't seem to unset them! The east limit is set at 93W. West limit is 129W. I go into antenna setup menu, then disecq 1.2, then go to set limit, it currently shows disable as the default. If i use the volume button on remote I can't move the Sg2100 motor left or right to go east of 93w. It will move to the west , not east. I've tried everything I can think of...the manual is very basic. Any ideas? Thanks! Blind:)
Try setting a limit and then selecting "disable limits". Or are you saying that the box won't even let you set a limit?
:)Thanks! for the replies I'll try it in the morning when I can see the dish out the window. I thought about restoring to factory default if all else fails. Blind
Did a factory reset...then restored the channels from the backup, I think it reset all my east-west to the same place tooo...same place I'm having the problem. Guess I'd have to reset then not restore the channels, basically start reprogramming the sats, and channels from scratch...long process. If I go outside I can manually move the motor east past 91W as far as I want. Oh well back to the drawing board. Blind
Got it figured out....I had to go outside and manually tell the motor to move farther east say to maybe 79W or so. Then I came inside and saved that as the east position and it kept it....On to the next problem whatever that is haha
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