I sure hope it doesn't get to the point that you alluded to, but who knows? As it is, we vote with our eyes, and those who aren't interested in certain types of reality shows are being outvoted by those who do like those types of reality shows. Majority wins.
Never said anything contrary. I'm glad you enjoy them.
Having said that, calling reality shows "scripted" (and you didn't even put the word "scripted" in quotes) is way off-base. They're not scripted. They're structured, just like a baseball game is structured, and edited, just like an historical documentary is edited.
Well, I kind of stand by my scripted statement. I don't mean in the sense that the lines of dialog are scripted, but the situations clearly are being manipulated by the producers. This makes the contests that accompany all of these shows contrived. The producers make all the decisions about winning and losing, and the contestants are just along for the ride.
That's fine, if you can suspend disbelief enough to enjoy the show they are giving you. WWF/WWE/??? is obviously scripted too and everyone knows it. It's not real wrestling, but everyone accepts it and enjoys the trash talk.
Last year I was still watching a couple of these shows, but the manipulation was so heavy handed that I had to give them up. On Amazing Race, I don't believe for a second that the kid forgot his passport in the cab. I don't blame him though. I believe he was yanked out of the cab for an interview and then they sent the cab off while he was doing show business. The effect was that the favorite team was eliminated. It wasn't the only suspicious incident by a mile. Seems there were 1 or 2 every week. I'm not sure if the contestants knew this would be happening, but I believe they are told at the start that their actual job is to impress the producers, and that they are paid to act on the show. None of this winner takes all stuff they promote.
I also watched Top Chef for awhile, but that too devolved in incidents with lost shopping bags, refrigerators that were mysteriously left open, a single oven that doesn't work, etc, etc. Same theme, diffferent melody.
Again, glad you enjoy them, but it doesn't work for me anymore.