JVC "921"


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 6, 2003
What ever happened to the JVC unit. Does it exist? Is it available yet?

How much? Any info would be appreciated.

From what I understand its the same unit just rebranded - truth?
What about the TU-PVR9000 that JVC was supposedly developing independently? Was it dropped in favor of the 921? I wrote JVC a couple weeks ago via their website feedback but have gotten no response.
The JVC is a rebadged 921. I confirmed this after speaking with my marketing contact about 2 weeks ago. The pricing is identical and the "profit margin" is slim (unlike other JVC products).

I will be purchasing the DISH branded 921 so I can take advantage of the great pricing on the 921 / RCA 34" TV combo!!
Greg you will get to play with a 921 on Monday. :D

I will have to check and see if HDNet has any test patterns coming up so I can record them for you.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Greg you will get to play with a 921 on Monday. :D

I will have to check and see if HDNet has any test patterns coming up so I can record them for you.

Yeah, its cool that HDNet broadcasts those test patterns, helped alot when I was pixel perfect cropping the 921's 720p output through my scaler card. I was truely amazed that I was able to read the resolution test pattern text all the way through the last line! HD2 DLP chip projectors rock!

Mark the test pattern recording as protected and you'll always have it available when you need it. Now, if we could only get it off the hard drive through that "Dish wire" port!

jcd4878 said:
Mark the test pattern recording as protected and you'll always have it available when you need it. Now, if we could only get it off the hard drive through that "Dish wire" port!


I have some D-VHS ready and waiting for that too.
Tuesday the 10th, 8am ET / 5am PT.

I set up a timer on my 921 to get it, the program guide said it was in a big 3 or 4 hour block of "intro to hdnet". Does anyone know how long these are? I don't want 4 hours of junk for 5 minutes of patterns if I don't need to.
bytre said:
Tuesday the 10th, 8am ET / 5am PT.

I set up a timer on my 921 to get it, the program guide said it was in a big 3 or 4 hour block of "intro to hdnet". Does anyone know how long these are? I don't want 4 hours of junk for 5 minutes of patterns if I don't need to.

Last week, I saw the programming guide said the same thing. When it got to be a day before it was scheduled, the programming guide changed to show a ten minute block called, "Test Patterns".
bytre said:
Tuesday the 10th, 8am ET / 5am PT.

I set up a timer on my 921 to get it, the program guide said it was in a big 3 or 4 hour block of "intro to hdnet". Does anyone know how long these are? I don't want 4 hours of junk for 5 minutes of patterns if I don't need to.

My recording shows 12 mins. It caught a little of the shows before and after the test patterns. I think I had it start 1 min early and go 1 min late.

There are three patterns, a color bars pattern, a grid pattern, and a resolution/overscan pattern.

What is the nomenclature for the JVC branded 921? I can't find it on the JVC website. They do have some other "interesting" looking stuff on there though. Umm, isn't VHS dead yet?

811 Code Push?

CBS-HD moving to 110 anytime soon?

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