It's all over for Jerry Lewis and MDA


Baby, It's Cold Outside
Original poster
Dec 22, 2005
Front Range, Colorado
It's all over for Jerry Lewis and MDA

Posted by Linda Navarro
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Comedian Jerry Lewis and the Muscular Dystrophy Association aren’t saying why they’re fully parting ways after 45 years and more than $1 billion raised for the nonprofit through its annual telethon.

But the 85-year-old comedian told reporters last week that he plans to hold a press conference the day after this year’s telethon to talk about what he thinks is important. When asked by a reporter about his role with the telethon, Lewis said: “It’s none of your business.”

Candi Cazau, a Las Vegas publicist for Lewis, had no immediate comment Thursday about the association’s announcement that Lewis is no longer national chairman. Cazau says Lewis is traveling outside Nevada, his home state.

Calls to the association haven’t been returned.

Lewis previously said his last appearance would be this year but he apparently will not appear on the telethon this Labor Day.
I remember many years as a kid sitting and watching the whole weekend, even waking up early to do so.

I had no idea the significance of Sinatra and Sammy, and then Dino showing up.

An era has ended....
Jerry did a lot of great things for MDA but unfortunately he has gotten too old to chair the event...and unfortunately has turned into something of a bitter old man. Sometimes people don't know when to bow-out and get out-of-the-way. Nobody wants to tune-in to see the legendary Jerry Lewis break for a diaper change. Another example is Bill Cosby---a man who made me laugh ever since I was a kid---is now painful to watch perform; he hasn't been funny in 10-years and comes across as an angry old codger.

Jerry Lewis should enjoy his retirement and accomplishments...and take Bill Cosby with him.
I saw him on stage as the Devil in Damn Yankees in January, 1996. The show had been closed for three days so he could attend Dean Martin's funeral and this was the first show after.

Jerry stopped the show half way through and stood on an empty stage doing an improv tribute that had the audience simultaneously crying and rolling on the floor for a full 30 minutes. It was an amazing moment, and really upped my respect for the man.

Perhaps he is beyond his prime, but personally I was still being entertained.
I saw him on stage as the Devil in Damn Yankees in January, 1996. The show had been closed for three days so he could attend Dean Martin's funeral and this was the first show after.

Jerry stopped the show half way through and stood on an empty stage doing an improv tribute that had the audience simultaneously crying and rolling on the floor for a full 30 minutes. It was an amazing moment, and really upped my respect for the man.

Perhaps he is beyond his prime, but personally I was still being entertained.

No doubt he still had all his faculties and was quite entertaining 15-years ago. However, there is no doubt he has been slipping the past few years. I tune-in to the Telethon each year (although not as much as in years past) and you can see it. I recall watching the following, "During the 2007 Labor Day Telethon, Lewis almost let slip the word "faggot" while live on air. While talking to a cameraman, he joked: "Oh, your family has come to see you. You remember Bart, your oldest son, Jesse, the illiterate fag--no...", at which point he turned away from the camera." It's just unfortunately both parties parted company on bad terms.
Indeed. I've watched as the Telethon has diminished from an event spanning the 4 day Labor Day Weekend to where it is now - only a couple of hours on Labor Day. I particularly enjoyed the performers who were featured during the wee hours of the morning; not always professional, but very entertaining. And, yes, Jerry should have retired years ago, the poor clueless misanthrope. :rolleyes:
No doubt he still had all his faculties and was quite entertaining 15-years ago. However, there is no doubt he has been slipping the past few years. I tune-in to the Telethon each year (although not as much as in years past) and you can see it. I recall watching the following, "During the 2007 Labor Day Telethon, Lewis almost let slip the word "faggot" while live on air. While talking to a cameraman, he joked: "Oh, your family has come to see you. You remember Bart, your oldest son, Jesse, the illiterate fag--no...", at which point he turned away from the camera." It's just unfortunately both parties parted company on bad terms.
I guess his type of sarcastic humor is no longer appreciated..everybody is so sensitive and politically correct that they have seemed to have forgotten "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"
I wrote this in the Pub Members forum last night, but will write it here as well.

I am upset at the MDA for canning Jerry just weeks before his final MDA appearance. From what I know Jerry WANTED to do it and only wanted to close the show singing "You will never walk alone" and was and is phisically able to do it.

Jerry has been the leader of the MDA for so long... let him go out in style MDA. Let him go out his way.

It's sad that the MDA left Jerry Lewis walking alone.
I never really cared for Jerry Lewis but this is a sad end for all concerned.

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