Is there really a smart card swap?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 14, 2004
I have read several people who have said that they have received new smart cards. All of them seem to have had a 6000 receiver. I know that Dish stopped the Nagra 1 HD, the blue card, signal and only have the Nagra II, the yellow card, signal. People who had a 6000 on their accounts seem to have gotten replacement cards for the other receivers on the account also. But, has anyone gotten yellow cards, AKA Dish 500, Nagra 2 cards, who did not have a 6000? There have been rumors that there would be a swap, but is this really going to happen?
I have a 721 and have not gotten a yellow card for it. I had a 301 and a 3900 up until last month and never received replacement cards. I also know 3 other customers who have 2 receivers each with blue cards and they have not gotten replacement cards either.
I have read that they were going to do the HDTV then the P(D)VR receivers, but I don't have a yellow card for my 721.
I have also read that, if you have movie channels, you will get a new card. I had the AEP until last month..
Is Nagra 1 really going away? Don't get me wrong, I think it would be a good idea to stop hacking, but will Dish really put out the money? They didn't even give their employees free programming until recently.
I am an installer for a retail of E* and I have helped several customers replace cards in 301s. I have noticed one thing though. All these customers have a billing addy of FLA. I assume they are doing it state by state or region or something. I work out of NC, but nobody that lives here full time has got a new card yet(that I know of anyway). :(
boba said:
There are 10,000,000 customers and most do not have just 1 receiver so it is going to take 6mo. to a year to swap all cards.
Not all the customers have blue cards. I remember when the yellow card came out. around early 2002, they only had 7 million customers. So there really are about 7 million or fewer with blue cards. Also, many blue cards have been done away with through return authorizations; they send the reman with a yellow card.
I had heard the 6 months to a year rumor back in January.
Miguelaqui, not necessarily true! I upgraded to two 721's in June of this year and they both came with the "blue" card. I expected "yellow" but "blue" is what I got!
I dont see a big deal about what card I have as long as the service is still working, so until the cards(blue) get deactivated and my service no longer works will I even worry about it. :)
ERSanders said:
Miguelaqui, not necessarily true! I upgraded to two 721's in June of this year and they both came with the "blue" card. I expected "yellow" but "blue" is what I got!
Did it come from Dish, a retailer or Ebay? Many on Ebay are the older ones which retailers have had in stock. I had also heard from a retailer that some of the 721s have shown up with blue cards and were supposed to be "remans".
It is very possible that Dish had a lot of those 721s which did not sell; the MSRP on the 721 was around $500. I bought my 721 in August and it had a blue card, but, I bought it from Ebay.
I was just posting this to see if there was really going to be a Dish smartcard swap or not. I found it hard to believe that there was going to be an all-out swap. I do see the need if those FTA receivers work as well as people say they do. I don't think it's right when there are people who pay for service and many who steal. Dish could eaily send out new cards to people. If they were to do that, I would be shocked because of the money involved. If a customer has a bad SC they will want to charge then $50 for a new one.
thiggin2 said:
I dont see a big deal about what card I have as long as the service is still working, so until the cards(blue) get deactivated and my service no longer works will I even worry about it. :)
I agree, but I just wanted to see if the swap was a rumor or not. I think when the rumor started, nobody noticed that the only people getting the D500 cards were the ones with a 6000 on the account.
I also remember someone stating that they are also sending out white cards which I guess is because they are cheaper and easy to make :rolleyes:. Also you can check out this thread that talks about the card swapping.
thiggin2 said:
I also remember someone stating that they are also sending out white cards which I guess is because they are cheaper and easy to make :rolleyes:. Also you can check out this thread that talks about the card swapping.
The guy who said "white" came back and said it was really yellow.
chaddux said:
Because he never did.
Sorry, the fact that somebody put..... "If I am correct the instructions talk about a yellow card
but the card was actually white. I could be wrong it was
about 5 this morning when I did it still did not had my
made it appear that they were the person who said "white" My dearest apologies.
Miguelaqui, the two 721's I got came directly from DishNetwork. Since it was part of the $250 deal I strongly suspect that they were NOS like you suggested.

I expect that eventually there will be a swapout, otherwise why would the cards be swappable (if that is a word) in the first place and secondly why do the old cards command a premium price from the "bad guys" if there was not a thriving hack market?
miguelaqui said:
I agree, but I just wanted to see if the swap was a rumor or not. I think when the rumor started, nobody noticed that the only people getting the D500 cards were the ones with a 6000 on the account.
IIRC, the reason the 6000's all got swapped was because all the HD is now Nagra2 only. 811's and 921's all started with the new cards (or chips ;) ) and the only thing stopping E* from going Nagra2 for all HD was the 6000's. That conversion is now complete.

Besides being the right way to phase it in, it should help Chaarlie when the MPAA is beating on him about piracy.
I understand that the next group up is DishPlayer owners and thos who subscribe to sports packages and Internationals.

Once all those subs have their cards those streams will be switched to Niagra 2 format.

After that people who subscribe to premiums, and after that everyone else.
ERSanders said:
... I expect that eventually there will be a swapout, otherwise why would the cards be swappable (if that is a word) in the first place and secondly why do the old cards command a premium price from the "bad guys" if there was not a thriving hack market?
As I posted above, the swapout is progressing. The old cards become worthless as soon as the conversion is complete - but not until then.

And yes, "swappable" is a word. :)
Scott Greczkowski said:
I understand that the next group up is DishPlayer owners and thos who subscribe to sports packages and Internationals.

Once all those subs have their cards those streams will be switched to Niagra 2 format.

After that people who subscribe to premiums, and after that everyone else.
I have TV5, the French channel, we'll see what happens. Thanks to all who have responded with information concerning the card swap. I was really wondering if this swap was just a rumor.
ke4est said:
I am an installer for a retail of E* and I have helped several customers replace cards in 301s. I have noticed one thing though. All these customers have a billing addy of FLA. I assume they are doing it state by state or region or something. I work out of NC, but nobody that lives here full time has got a new card yet(that I know of anyway). :(
Thank you for responding. Did those customers whose cards were swapped also happen to have a 6000 on the account?
They are swapping out all the cards in the receivers on the account, not just the 6000 series or other series models that they are targeting, am I correct in saying this? I read where someone else stated this.

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