Is the 921 discontinued?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 13, 2003
Madison, WI
I was set up with Sears, to be notified when the 921 became available. This morning I received this e-mail from Sears.
Unfortunately, the HD Satellite Receiver with DVR Technology w/Integrated
Off-air ATSC Tuner, 05738193000, has been discontinued and is no longer
available. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Do you have any information on this? What gives?

There's not enough physical units in stock to send them all to Sears yet. Sears most likely won't get any 921s for a couple of months after launch, so that Dish can fill the demand that had already been generated through the Dish dealers.
You notice there is no more 721 s listed on their website either.

I asked if they were discontiued and if I could buy one left at the store for a discount and the sales guy said" They are just discontinued on the web site" . Then he said they would still have them listed for full price at the store. Although they had an old 501 never sold, reduced for 149.00.

Needless to say I traded my old 508 receiver in to and got a discount of 100.00 plus 50.00 for two old directv receivers. So I got my new 721 for 379.00.

A new issue with my 811

Richmond, VA Dish Locals?

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