Is Dish Network run by morons?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 21, 2003
I would say monkeys, but that'd be an insult to primates.
I was scheduled to have my 811 installed on 12/29, the day before i get a call rescheduling to 1/19. January 19th rolls around and i finally get my 811 installed. After the job is done the installer and i talk about how cool the Superbowl is going to look in HD. You see, Dish told me on the day i ordered the 811 that i would get ALL HD channels (including CBSHD) on my current dish. The installer slithers away without even mentioning i would need a second dish to receive CBSHD.

That day i make a simple call to Dish, and schedule an appointment to have the second dish installed. I'm specific about having it done BEFORE the SB, and get an install date of 1/28, cool. Guess what, tonight my g/f gets a call from Dish, who inform her that due to the lack of some "switch" (as she put it) they'll have to reschedule to 2/14.

Well, unless the Superbowl is miraculously postponed to February 15th, i'm f***ed, and so is my SB party.
This may be a dumb question (if it is, please don't mention it <G>) but can you pull in an OTA CBS signal? You didn't mention where you were located.
IF... you are eligable and subscribed to CBS-HD, you could:

1) Re-aim your primary dish to the wing sat that you are subscribed to CBS-HD on just for the game...

2) Borrow a portable dish from a friend who does tailgateing with D* or E*, point it at the wing sat, and hook it directly to your 811 for the game.

3) Have the installer install the second dish and run it's feed all the way to your 811. You can then unplug your main dish and hook the second dish up directly just for the game. You can connect your primary dish back up to the 811 after the game, and the installer can install the switch later when he gets them.

You don't have to have the switch to watch CBS-HD on the wing sat in a temporary solution.

Just a few options... but of course all require that you actually are subscribed to CBS-HD.

Good luck!
Or find out what switch he's looking for and go get it yourself, probably this sites store would be able to get you one in time.
Broadband Lab Rat said:
IF... you are eligable and subscribed to CBS-HD, you could:

1) Re-aim your primary dish to the wing sat that you are subscribed to CBS-HD on just for the game...

2) Borrow a portable dish from a friend who does tailgateing with D* or E*, point it at the wing sat, and hook it directly to your 811 for the game.

3) Have the installer install the second dish and run it's feed all the way to your 811. You can then unplug your main dish and hook the second dish up directly just for the game. You can connect your primary dish back up to the 811 after the game, and the installer can install the switch later when he gets them.
Or 4. Disconnect 110 from your DP34 switch and hook up the new dish. Depending on your subscription, you might not lose much/anything important. You can look up what channels are on each satellite here
Even getting a signal from the correct satellite may not completely fix this issue.

You might want to read the qualifications for getting that CBS HD feed via satellite:

Hopefully you do qualify... if you do not, you might be limited to whatever you can get from your local affiliate.
Mark Sorensen said:
Even getting a signal from the correct satellite may not completely fix this issue.

You might want to read the qualifications for getting that CBS HD feed via satellite:

Hopefully you do qualify... if you do not, you might be limited to whatever you can get from your local affiliate.

Interestingly, I used to have both East and West Coast Network packages. Then, last year, Dish notified me they were taking them away, but they left me with CBS E and W. I called today and had them add CBS HD without a problem (for free) - the CSR said "Let me check to see if you qualify"...then came back on and said yes you qualify. So, there must be some other way to qualify. I guess I got my waivers on CBS or something.

It's interesting to me as my area isn't on the O&O list and I receive local HD from CBS OTA just fine.
If you go to this website and enter your zip code, what do you find??

Is there only *one* installer in your area??

I'm sure there is a switch somewhere in your area.
Thanks for the tips guys, you're definitely more helpful than any Dish CSR i've spoken to.
I'm in the LA area, and Dish confirmed that i qualify to receive CBSHD the day i scheduled the second install. I've also tried the Silver Sensor OTA antenna, and received a sperratic reception of CBS so i took it back to Best Buy.
What i'm going to do however is cancel my credit card autopay, and if they should ask why, i'll tell them that fom now on i'm going to pay them when i feel like it; just like they provide me with promised goods/services when they feel like it.
jcrash said:
Interestingly, I used to have both East and West Coast Network packages. Then, last year, Dish notified me they were taking them away, but they left me with CBS E and W. I called today and had them add CBS HD without a problem (for free) - the CSR said "Let me check to see if you qualify"...then came back on and said yes you qualify. So, there must be some other way to qualify. I guess I got my waivers on CBS or something.

It's interesting to me as my area isn't on the O&O list and I receive local HD from CBS OTA just fine.

The 2 main ways to qualify are--
1. your CBS is O&O
2. You qualify for distant CBS

You would qualify under option 2

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