IR remote HR20 - HR10 interference

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 18, 2004
North of Toledo
This is what I want to do. It sounds complicated and I do not know remotes and the IR stuff so please I need help.

I would like to set the HR20 and the 10-250 next to each other
I would put both component into my LR HDTV (no HDMI)
I would hook up the antenna to the 10-250 and sats to HR20
I would then run the RF coaxial on the 10-250 to the bedroom TV
I have a Harmony 628 for the BR
I have a Harmony 569 for the LR

This is where my understanding needs help.
Can I set up the 628 for IR control JUST on the 10-250 (and the BR TV)
Is there a comparable remote that will fit my needs?

Benefits I see include:
no STB in BR
HD OTA in LR (Toledo OTA Detroit Sat) Temporarily till H20 gets it.
Expanded recording capabilities, flexibility in viewing

Is my dream viable?
How do I do the remote thing - This is the part I really need help on.

Please reply by conversation.

installation problem

HR10 Selling Problem

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