Installing dish 500 duel LMB ?


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Mar 27, 2004
Hi everyone

Im helping a friend ( after the rain stops) install his dish 500 duel LMB. This has the switch built in.
I have not installed a dish in years.
What 2 birds do we need..110..101 ect. Facing the dish which goes to what LMB left/right.
Im in upstate NY.

Any info to help save time is much appreciated.

Thanks guys.
What is your zip code. I can get you the proper coordinates with your zip code...
You'll be aiming for the 119 and 110 satellites. Not the 101. Yes, the DUAL LNB, has the built in switch.
OK. For Zip Code 14615 Azimuth(compass direction) is 238 southwest, Elavation is 28deg. And Skew(tilt of dish) is 122. Are you using a signal meter to find the satellites?
What do you exactly mean by 'version' of dish?
Thanks for all the info. This is a big help. Yes I was referring to the dish.

Your info will help speed things along. Thank again.

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