I canceled my protection plan months ago. What I plan on doing, is only using it if I need a tech visit. If a receiver fails, I'm still better off paying the $15. $6 * 12 = $72 a year. So that would cover nearly 5 receiver replacements. So if your receivers are failing more than 5 times in a year, then maybe you are better off keeping the plan. As for the installer visit, it's $95 without the plan, or, add the plan when needed, and pay $15 + $6 + either $25 cancellation, or $29 over the next 5 months. So that's $21 + $25 = $46 for one visit, or, $21 + $24 = $50, which covers 5 months, and if I were to need another visit, another $15, which would then total $65. So if you need more than 4 tech visits a year, the protection plan is for you. If you need receiver replacements as well as tech visits, then things get more complicated, and I'll just leave that out for simplicity's sake. So it's basically a gamble if you choose not to keep it. You can either bet on not needing another visit for the next 5 months, and pay $1 more to pay off and immediately the protection plan, or just pay the extra $6 for the next 4 more months, save a buck, and potentially save on tech visits in the near future. Overall though, if you need so many tech visits and receiver replacements, then something is not right, or you have extremely bad luck.
So, anyway, what I'd do, is just don't use the protection plan until I need a visit, then pay the extra $6 a month for 4 more months, and cancel. Overall that will save money over just paying for the protection plan even if you don't need it.