I think people should express their thoughts and issues about Voom in a controlled and polite manner. Yes Voom customers should say what type of issues they having with their service, so issues can be dealt with. BUT --- No one needs to go the extra mile and bad mouth voom and say they are a crappy company and how they think voom is gonna sink quick or even be bought out. Think whatever you want, I am extremely happy with VOOM and i am not going anywhere, they are working hard and are making progress dealing with the issues that are presented upon them. Angry Voomers please be a little more understanding, Voom is in the process of molding their company into the leading satellite provider, yes i know it won't happen overnight. But i do believe when voom starts marketing their product in the right places like Circuit City, Best buy, Walmart ETC, and of course when the issues are dealt with with their service then watch VOOM really start to turn heads and customers of the satellite world will flock to.. And this is what i think!