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Professional Amatuer
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Supporting Founder
May 20, 2004
Spokane, WA
OK, not too sure what just happened here but I called D* because channel 84 was not listed in my guide. I called to get this added and the rep checked my address against their database. She informed me that while she could not add channel 84 that I am eligible at my address to receive ABC, FOX & NBC BOTH NY & LA Feeds.

I about crapped my pants because I do not think I am eligible for these feeds. But I reckon if the FCC database they use says I am, I am not about to argue it. So by my calculations, and the CSR's since I now receive the NBC E&W feeds, channel 84 will inherently appear because of the DMA eligibility is established for LA & NYC. If I am correct in ass-u-me-ing, as they add the FOX, NBC and ABC HD feeds ... I will automatically receive these.

So I guess I am asking if I am smoking crack or should i head to Las Vegas, cuz I feel lucky. Any input to this? Not to flood their phones but I would call and check if you think you have a shot with this one.
After seeing your post I called in to ask figuring it couldn't hurt. I live in Chicago so i figured i had no chance of being eligible based upon my address and I was correct. The csr said that they could submit a waiver request to the networks and that since all my local networks are o&o by the national networks I have a good chance of being approved. I don't know if that is true or not but we'll see what happens.
dgordo said:
After seeing your post I called in to ask figuring it couldn't hurt. I live in Chicago so i figured i had no chance of being eligible based upon my address and I was correct. The csr said that they could submit a waiver request to the networks and that since all my local networks are o&o by the national networks I have a good chance of being approved. I don't know if that is true or not but we'll see what happens.

If the local affiliates are all o&o then the chances are very slim that you will NOT get approved. The national networks don't really care if you want to watch their channel on another number... as long as it's still their network.

DTV Res Spec
directvrep said:
If the local affiliates are all o&o then the chances are very slim that you will NOT get approved. The national networks don't really care if you want to watch their channel on another number... as long as it's still their network.

DTV Res Spec
Why is it that after having a fit with a couple DTV stations, you think it is I am able to receive these networks? As I said I am in a grade a signal pattern area. The only reason I want any of these is so I get the HDTV national versions. Just curious figured you may be in the know.
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