I want some more HD...

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jul 19, 2004
Anyone have any idea where these new HD channels that were supposed to launch late June/early July are??

I called DirecTV the other day to get a timetable and was told there are NO NEW HD CHANNELS COMING.

Someone talk me off this ledge...
DirecTV has never in the past, nor are likely in the future to officially announce programming plans more than a few days before the channel shows up on your reciever. So your answer from them directly (no pun intended) isn't surprising.

In terms of the late June/early July announcement, they announced that there will be something like 85 different HD NFL games available via Sunday Ticket this year. Also, FOX-HD will be added when they start broadcasting HD in the fall.

There may or may not be any additional channels. Speculation has centered around INHD1/2, BravoHD, TNT-HD, Starz-HD and CinemaxHD.
I have read on forums that its now November when they are coming , I am getting tired of waiting myself and I am getting ready to Drop their HD package the $10.99 and the $4.99 for the HD box is just to much I can put that money to wards my Voom bill . Are you getting closer to the Ledge yet?
aristotlewilde said:
Anyone have any idea where these new HD channels that were supposed to launch late June/early July are??

I called DirecTV the other day to get a timetable and was told there are NO NEW HD CHANNELS COMING.

Someone talk me off this ledge...
LOBO2999 said:
I have read on forums that its now November when they are coming , I am getting tired of waiting myself and I am getting ready to Drop their HD package the $10.99 and the $4.99 for the HD box is just to much I can put that money to wards my Voom bill . Are you getting closer to the Ledge yet?



As far as the CSR telling someone there are no plans for more HD, that's a generic answer. The top folks at D*TV have publically said there will be 2 to 3 times the present HD content before year end. Many other board postings seem to confirm we'll all know the timlines within the next 45-60 days.

Make sure those of you on the ledge don't fall off for no good reason. :D
I didn't say they were going to happen, I said it is what I read, I didn't say it was going to be . So I am not speculating , I am not the one who said it .
pradike said:
The top folks at D*TV have publically said there will be 2 to 3 times the present HD content before year end.

So that would make a whopping 6 to 8 HD channels! And there's a good chance some of them will require a premium package like starz or cinemax. So, basically I would guess about 1 or 2 more HD channels for those that don't have the premiums.

[sarcasm]What a deal!!!! [/sarcasm]

I guess for those that are HD starved it might sound like a great deal.

Compare that to Voom's approx 25 or so HD channels with just their basic package. Almost 40 if you get the premiums. If you really want HD, you need to look outside of dtv's meager current and future HD offerings.
I want More HD. . .

Yeah, and I want a more active sex life, a flat income tax and a conservative in the White House.

Meanwhile, back here on planet Earth, let's look at reality for a moment.

There are not enough of us to make HD financially lucrative for ANYONE right now. This is a spec foisted on the television industry by the FCC, and until they can figure out how to make it worth their money to convert this is gonna be a bit of a wasteland.

Okay by me. I can stand it. I am busy buying some stuff, waiting for other stuff to drop in price, and loving every minute of D* while I can.

'Course, I also like old movies in original B&W. . .

Man, it's amazing Stunt_101 has managed to churn out seven (7!!) posts in just a month when he needs to spend all that time composing thoughtful and compelling arguments to bolster his position.
It always amazes me how so many VOOM fans feel they must make D* subs understand the error of their ways and join the migration to VOOM. (Well, migration is a kind word for the numbers VOOM has managed to get so far -- even by giving their hardware away for months now. But I am trying to be kind to the VOOMies.)
Of course D* subscribers don't seem similarly compelled to continually harp on VOOM's total lack of an HD TiVO.
(I know, I know, the best DVR ever invented is coming soon to VOOM. I am also sure the Dolans' Knicks and Rangers will be in the playoffs next year.)
If I wanted to spend $80+ a month to watch lots of premium movie channels (and adjust my schedule to their schedule), VOOM would be the way to go.
There is far more content.
But it is on their schedule.
No thanks. I am not that desperate yet.
And I would miss NFL ST --with most games in HD this year.
And I would desperately miss my HD TiVo.
Personally,m with TiVo's help, we find several hours of good HD a day to watch on D* -- and even so, yes I will be happy when more channels are added.
But this Messianic zeal of some VOOM fans is a little disturbing.
Why must they always so loudly and forcefully declare that what THEY like is the only way to go?
We certainly should keep them away from firearms and sharp objects.
Methinks they protest too much.
Far too much.
I see where everyone is coming from on this issue. Currently I am a subscriber to voom's service and the the local cable company's service. I am also thinking about subscribing to either direct tv or dishnetworks hd package. I am a college student and I pay for all of my living expenses, college, and my home theather set up. If I can somehow manage to pay for all of these plus pay for my other expenses i.e. alcohol, it seems that other should be able to also. In short, "why can't all of us get a long?".
fredfa said:
It always amazes me how so many VOOM fans feel they must make D* subs understand the error of their ways and join the migration to VOOM. .................If I wanted to spend $80+ a month to watch lots of premium movie channels (and adjust my schedule to their schedule), VOOM would be the way to go.............
............But this Messianic zeal of some VOOM fans is a little disturbing.
Why must they always so loudly and forcefully declare that what THEY like is the only way to go?
We certainly should keep them away from firearms and sharp objects.
Methinks they protest too much.
Far too much.

Not at all grasshopper. As a matter of fact I still recommend dtv to anyone who isn't really interested in HD. The facts on HD speak for themselves though. Dtv has zero HD channels in their basic package. ZERO!! You have to pay an additional 11/mo for a whopping 3 of them. Voom has almost 30 with just their basic sub.

If you want premiums, then you will have to pay 80/mo anyways. If you pay it to Voom, you get more HD premiums. If you don't want to pay 80/mo, with Voom you still get almost 30 HD channels. How many with dtv?? None unless you pay 11/mo, then you get ....................drumroll please............................ 3.
If a tivo is a dealmaker/breaker for you and is more important then HD, then dtv is the way to go for you until Voom comes out with their own. If you couldn't give a frogs fat ass about tivo(like me) and just want some HD content, then Voom is it. So, I will never say Voom is the only way to go. But, if you want HD and don't really care for a tivo, then yes you will probably be happier with Voom (once they iron out the large bugs and various other vermin in their system) and I will certainly recommend it.
THE deal breaker...

All such conversations come full circle to the NFL Sunday Ticket.

Sorry to spark the argument, I was merely wondering if anyone had any new info on D* rolling out new HD.
If you could afford it add the VOOM basic package to your DTV and have the best of both worlds....its the way to go.
It comes down to this: if you want movies, movies, movies, movies and movies, and don't much care about ever watching anything that isn't in HD and if you can get good network HD OTA, (Iand tyou don't care about recording any of it easily on an HD TiVo) by all means go for VOOM.
No doubt about it.

And lostcause: thanks so much for taking the time and effort to educate all the poor DirecTV people here.
But what causes you to spend so much time here, among the unwashed, when you could be luxuriating among your well fed and smiling VOOM brethren over on their own VOOM site?
It must be your sense of duty to the downtrodden.
What a charitable soul you have!
I called DirecTV and was told they have no plans to add more HD channels in the near future. I am not going to sit down am wait until they announce something. I am switching to VOOM, they already have what I want.
vinnyv07 said:
If you could afford it add the VOOM basic package to your DTV and have the best of both worlds....its the way to go.

that's exactly what i am doing. I am keeping my DTV & SD TiVo with the TOTAL CHOICE ($39) and I am getting Voom basic ($39). Of course it would be better/cheaper to have only one provider but since I can't get TiVo+Lots of HD movies from a single provider...
fredfa said:
And lostcause: thanks so much for taking the time and effort to educate all the poor DirecTV people here.
But what causes you to spend so much time here, among the unwashed, when you could be luxuriating among your well fed and smiling VOOM brethren over on their own VOOM site?
It must be your sense of duty to the downtrodden.
What a charitable soul you have!

nah...nothing quite so noble. It's just fun to dress down and go slummin with the bottom feeders every once in a while and see how the dregs live. :D

Seriously though, I was a dtv customer for about 4 years. I have nothing against them (other than their questionable gestapo tactics to combat signal theft....but that's another topic for another day), and other than their crappy HD offerings I think they are pretty good.

This thread just caught my attention since it dealt with HD. If anyone wants more HD, Voom is without a doubt the best option at the moment.

BTW, I may end up going back to dtv soon enough since I may not be able to get a line of sight to Voom's bird when I move. Hopefully not, but I may not have a choice.
lostcause: by the time you move, D* may well (and finally!) actually have some more HD content.
(And kudos for your measured response to my rant!)
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