Any ideas? I have an R10 and an R15...the R10 is our "main" dvr and I have alot of programs set to record on a daily basis. For the past week or so I've noticed programs missing. For an example, I set up the new show Identity on NBC with a season pass. Last night was the premiere, it didn't record. So, I went into search by title to see when the next show is, do a seach for all programs, start with the letter "I" and it says there are NO programs starting with "I". Now I know it's on again tonight at 8? So, I go into the other room with the R15 and do the same search, lo and behold there are loads of programs (including Identity) starting with an "I". What's going on? Should I call Directv or did my machine just up and die on me? We've had it for 1 1/2 years so I assume it's not covered anymore. I got it free with installation so not even sure if it's leased or mine? Please help, this is driving me mad!!!!!