harshness- Thanks for the info and that link was excellent but I believe it is a bit dated.
As far as a budget is concerned, I was surprised at how many sacrifice hardware cost when intending to do the state of the art formats like 3D and 4K with complex timelines. I discovered in the early 90's that it pays big dividends to go with top of the line everything in a machine even though in recent years the cost has come way down. My first Video editing platform was a FAST Video Machine with a 16 SCSI drives system that ran on a twin 486-66 Processor Back in the mid 90's that system cost me $34,000, but I could edit rings amount my local competitors with the old Newtek Toaster. I had to put the hard drive cabinet in a closet with an air conditioner due to the noise and heat! The box screamed like the deck of an aircraft carrier! Drives today are really quiet by comparison. Plus I could control betacam SP with SVHS with Hi8 and even DVCAM and 3/4U decks with two digital streams from the hard drives. The investment paid for itself in a year and I was doing well getting more business than I could handle. After that I went with all digital and DVCAM with a Pentium system at 8:8:8. Since, my platforms have come in around $5K so that gives you an idea where my head is at for budget, not hallf that as in these articles. I believe today that can put me into that i7-6950 with 10 cores and 32Gb ram. Hopefully that budget will also allow me to replace my current HD 3D monitor with a 4K UHD HDR capable 3D passive monitor, OLED next year with it. I may need to shop Korea or China as the US hasn't really carried 3D passive monitors in quite awhile.
The good thing is I have a good 8-9 months to learn what is the best machine that I can be happy with for the next 5 years. After that I may be too old to keep up and have to settle for just watching what the new generation does.
The goal I believe is to be sure this editor can deal with 8K video or even 16K 360 video in a couple years. It's just a hobby anymore so I don't need to consider a return on investment.
I plan to continue editing with Edius, Vegas Pro, and Cyberlink Power Director. Each has its advantages. I have no plans to rent Adobe Premiere, or spend for any of the Black Magic stuff. Can't justify that for a hobby.
I will be looking at Tom's hardware as that site was good when I built my current system which does ok in 4K but really well in 3D.
Keep the suggestions coming.