i have heard of fta but I need help with it

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New Member
Original poster
Nov 13, 2008
I have heard the term fta and Id like to get some of those channels. I have dish network dish with one knob. What else will I need to get some fta channels

if someone here can give me a step by step manual, that would help a whole lot.

Thanks in advance
You'll need at least a 30 inch dish with a linear Ku LNBF for most FTA satellites. The Dish Network dish and receiver are only meant for reception of Dish Network.

As Gillham mentioned, you can get a couple of clear channels from Dish 119w with the Dish Network dish (NASA and Angel One come to mind, and there is also Dish 101)... For more info, see http://www.satelliteguys.us/fta-mpeg2-faqs/34131-what-can-i-get-18-dish-dish-500-a.html
okay , but at least how do I get those fta channels with the dish I currently have? I am totally clueless about this and what other equipment I need, so can someone please let me know what I need to do
Dishnetwork dish will only reliably get those channels they just named-it's not big enough to
receive the linear (much weaker) satellites that we pick up free to air signals on. Therefore, you need a bigger dish, 30" or bigger. Many of us use 1meter dishes. CLick on some of the sponsors at the top of the page to see some of the equipment available for free to air reception. Most have packages of equip, or you can buy receivers, dishes, lnbf separately.
okay , but at least how do I get those fta channels with the dish I currently have? I am totally clueless about this and what other equipment I need, so can someone please let me know what I need to do

Do you have a Dish Network receiver? If you do and it was previously subscribed, it will be able to pickup NASA & Angel, plus the promo type channels. You just need to mount the mast pole, point the dish, run a cable, etc. The ftalist page gives a basic overview.

If you only have the dish itself, I would say go to Sadoun's web site (at the top of this forum) and check out the motorized dish packages. That will give you an idea of the cost to get into FTA, unless you can find parts cheap or free locally. Basically you need an FTA receiver and a dish, typically larger than 30", but 36" is recommended. Don't be confused by the people selling FTA receivers with only Dish Network dishes. That is not really FTA. Those dishes only get you two real channels and a couple that are good for background noise or elevator music. :)

It is possible to get an older FTA receiver cheap on eBay or Craigslist, but if you're just starting out you might not want to risk getting a broken unit. Not finding any satellites can be pretty frustrating when you're starting out.

Check out FTAList and the satellite Galaxy 18 (@ 123°W) in particular. See if those channels are interesting to you. Also check out Galaxy 25 (@ 97°W) and see if those International channels intrigue you. Those are two satellites with some of the most interesting permanent Ku band content.

After you look at those channel lists, let us know what you find interesting and we can help you get setup to watch it.
okay , but at least how do I get those fta channels with the dish I currently have? I am totally clueless about this and what other equipment I need, so can someone please let me know what I need to do

How to get NASA and the other freebies with your 18" dish?

Assuming your dish is correctly aimed, connect the dish, LNBF L.O. frequency is 11250, type single. A blind scan (FTA only, you don't want to have to delete a bunch of scrambled channels) should pick up NASA and the other freebies...
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old DTN dish

7ft. dish

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