I hate my local OTA of MeTV!

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Angry consumer!
Original poster
May 23, 2009
So we got MeTV locally. Big whoop..

The picture quality is much inferior to the C-band feed I get on 87w.

But the real @$$ chapper is that they drop a local "slate" (is that the right term?) and an announcer says this is MeTV being broadcast by the local sub-channel.
They always drop it in 5 seconds early, ALWAYS. 100% of the time they cut off something important, like Elliot Ness or Frank Nitty laying out the law...
Then after they cut off someone with the local announcement they run the normal MeTV slate/announcement, ALSO!!

Well, that was annoying enough...

Until today..

Today they started covering over the commercials that MeTV was sending down with c**ppily made local commercials.
For the first few months it was essentially on auto-pilot, they just piped through what was coming down with the exception of injecting the local slate into the wrong spot at every commercial break. :mad:

I totally HATE the low rent, low budget, no talent local commercials! I would rather slam my head in the car door for an hour than watch local commercials!

I've been using the ATSC tuner in my new (to me) Dish vip211k tuner to watch MeTV and other local channels.
But, I've also been missing ThisTV for the last month as well because I've been almost exclusively watching the Dish tuner for what ever is on it and the local OTA channels it can tune in.
OMG I wish I could feed the signal coming from my C-band dish into my Dish network tuner!

Buh bye MeTV local...

I am once again reminded why I have a 10' satellite dish in my back yard. That dish, hasn't been getting much love the past month.

Well, back to basics baby!
couple thoughts

you can say crap...no need to self bleep it

But I have a simple response to your post

So we got MeTV locally. Big whoop..

The picture quality is much inferior to the C-band feed I get on 87w.
Then dont watch it on the local station. Simple solution

Since you have access to it via another way then watch it that way. But for the folks in Beaumont who DONT have access to a large dish they are probably happy to get this as another viewing option. With more and more people pulling the plug on cable/satellite or cutting back due to the economy and going with OTA only are probably happy that they can view older shows. And since most of them dont sit 2 feet away from their TV errr computer monitor like you do the picture quality looks fine to them. Like me if I want to watch MeTV its easier for me to hit 5-3 on the TV then to wheel out the dish :)

Now that they have local commercials they might as well utilize that ad space.
Here in Minneapolis they just recycle the same ads that are on the main ABC (5-1) and their co-owned independent station (5-45)
couple thoughts

you can say crap...no need to self bleep it

But I have a simple response to your post

Then dont watch it on the local station. Simple solution

Since you have access to it via another way then watch it that way. But for the folks in Beaumont who DONT have access to a large dish they are probably happy to get this as another viewing option. With more and more people pulling the plug on cable/satellite or cutting back due to the economy and going with OTA only are probably happy that they can view older shows. And since most of them dont sit 2 feet away from their TV errr computer monitor like you do the picture quality looks fine to them. Like me if I want to watch MeTV its easier for me to hit 5-3 on the TV then to wheel out the dish :)

Now that they have local commercials they might as well utilize that ad space.
Here in Minneapolis they just recycle the same ads that are on the main ABC (5-1) and their co-owned independent station (5-45)

I guess I should be happy that we have it at all locally. Maybe this will start a war between the local broadcasters to put more unique content on sub channels to keep eyes on THEIR networks. Antenna and This would be awesome to have locally!

Anyway.. So we are having some really nasty weather come through. Since yesterday morning we've had high winds that are beating my OTA antenna around like mad. It's almost impossible to watch OTA because it keeps dropping the signal when the wind gusts up high. :mad:

And because I haven't been giving my old Home Theater any love lately, I dusted it off this evening so I can go back to basics. I'll watch Dish until 10pm then switch over to the PC and watch MeTV and ThisTV until morning and switch back to Dish again.

The high winds are beating my 10' dish around too. There's play in the motor arm enough that when the wind gusts up the dish can move a few inches and it loses signal.

So I tightened up some bolts and hung a cinder block on it with a steel cable and some duct tape. Look at it from behind, the left side of the screen is east and that's where the wind is coming from.
So the cinder block pulls the dish down onto the arm and keeps the slack out. I went inside and adjusted it via the G-box to get a perfect signal and now all is well. It's rock solid even in 25mph winds gusting over 40mph.
Tomorrow we are expecting winds over 60mph. :eek:

It's kinda cheesy but it's all I could come up with in a pinch.

I can't wait to get those big dishes in!

I've seen a cinder block put on a big dish before.

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Until I get my C-band dish set up (BUD) I am without the feed for MeTv via sat. I get a local (Omaha, NE) feed OTA for MeTV and ThisTV. The pix quality is great, but I don't know if I am a great judge of that as I cannot see very well w/o glasses. I think I can see fine, but they don't think so at my place of work. I couldn't pass the eye-exam so they wouldn't let me drive company vehicles. Okay, well that's a different story. So, on to my reason for responding...

I LOVE MeTV locally here. I really don't mind the video quality as it is difficult for me to measure. I can see well enough to enjoy the shows. My favorite time is the weekdays from noon CT to 2 pm. That's when they air Gunsmoke and Bonanza. These are two of my most favorite programs and it doesn't matter that I have seen every episode over and over again, I watch them anyway and enjoy them just as must today as I did long ago.

If I had to watch any of the new shows on the major networks, I would simply throw my TV out the window. I would not watch it at all. There is NOTHING and I mean absolutely NOTHING new on TV today that I would ever watch without being tied to a chair and forced to watch. I'll watch reruns from the 50's, 60's and 70's all day and all night til my eyes bleed, but when it comes to late 80's and 90's and beyond, I'd rather someone shoot me.

I guess that is why I like FTA TV more than DN or DirecTV. There is nothing they air that I want to watch. At least on FTA I get RTV.
The only channels that you can purchase from DN or DirecTV that I want to watch don't come a la carte and I won't buy the rest.

I feel the same way about music, too. Maybe I am just a throwback from the 60's/70's and am out of touch. I guess I'd rather be out of touch then I would want to be subjected to anything that is on TV or modern radio today. I simply don't enjoy the modern stuff and I don't understand it at all. I can get into the original Star Trek with all the cheesie props, but not the New Generation series. That just leaves me blank. Not sure why, but I just cannot identify with anything newer than the 80's. Maybe a couple shows (Cheers and Night Court were good).

I guess it must be similar to our thread about PBJ and cartoons. I feel the same about the quality of cartoons as I do about the regular TV series that are available.

Or maybe... I am just getting OLD?

I am thankful for DVDs and HDDs and Netflix and MeTv and ThisTV and such. If it weren't for these outlets, I would NOT own a TV or allow one in my house. I had to be talked into buying a TV a few years back otherwise I wouldn't have one now. You'll have to believe me on this, I am not just ranting on about it. I sincerely feel this way.

Sounds a bit odd coming from me, but I swear it to be true. MeTv and RTV are my favorite channels (outside of PBS) and my AZBox and my television doesn't stray to any other channels except for a clip of news and weather from time to time or the occasional searches for FEEDS. The rest can be deposited in the dumpster and I certainly would NOT pay for any of them.

I probably sound very out of touch, but that's alright, I don't mind. I'd rather be labeled as a loon than watch new TV and actually become one. If it bothers anyone because they like the new programs that I don't, I apologize to them. But, I won't change my mind and there is no offense meant to them. They just don't remember TV when it was ALL FREE and when the programs were ALL GOOD and they turned the station off at midnight or so and played the national anthem. Only a few of us remember that. I'd go back to those times if I could.

Radar, I agree with you pretty much all across the board.
There are a ~select few~ things I like on Dish, I like the educational shows, there's some good stuff on the Science Channel (but not as much as there should be!).
I like American Pickers, Restoration, etc.. There's a few shows on other channels like Storage Wars, Auction Hunters, etc.. They are scripted of course but I'm still drawn to them.
I love the Storm Chasers series, Whale Wars, American Chopper, LA Ink, Deadliest Catch, etc.. Of those, I think Storm Chasers is a REAL, unscripted show, the others, eh...

On Boomerang there are a lot of oldies cartoons. Loony Toons, Flintstones, Jetsons, etc.. HUB plays Batman in pseudo HD 16:9 that looks pretty decent.

And then there's the western, Cheyenne on RetroplexHD. I had never seen it before or heard of it before I became a Dish customer.
I just used the tuner search for Clint Walker :luvlove: and discovered this 50's western for the first time.. :D
I like ANYTHING Clint Walker is in! So I am recording those shows now. Sadly, they only air one episode per week on Saturday evenings. It's going to take me a Loooooong time to get them all.

There's other stuff too, I can't think of right off. It's nice to have these things to fill in the gaps. I love MeTV and ThisTV but they don't have stuff running 24/7 that I like. I like MOST of it but not all of it.
So dish makes nice filler for those times. Every night from 10pm on, I watch Me and This until the next morning, then about 8am I switch to and watch OTA all day until 7pm when I switch to Dish.
I also like shows on RTV and PBJ..

The first month of being a Dish customer I was using my Dish tuner to watch that and OTA since it has both tuners in it and I was getting MeTV via OTA into my Dish tuner.
That was ok, the quality of the local signal is not so great but it's tolerable. But now they are monkeying with the commercials, it's annoying!
I hate all commercials, I hate local commercials 10000 times more! I can't hit the mute button too fast...

As long as FTA is available, I'm going to watch it. That's why I'm putting up those BIG dishes, to better get the great stuff on 87w..
I want to get one of those new GEOSATpro microHD tuners soon and put it on the BIG dish to DVR my favorite shows. Along with my other tuners, I'll be able to record anything I want between RTV, TUFF, PBJ, MeTV & ThisTV.

Last year I recorded EVERY episode of Highway Patrol. One exception was when the disk filled up and it didn't record the episode about the little girl being bitten by a dog that was suspected of having rabies.
Darn! That's ok. I've checked the schedules and I see that episode will air again May 3rd. I've already programmed my PC to record it. Then I'll have em all.. :)

Saturday night is MeTV night in my house! I like it all except Car 54. I can't stand that show, that Gunther guy grates on my nerves, badly.. But everything else is good with me all day and all night long.
Sunday night Noir suits me just fine too..

I love FTA, there's tons of great stuff on it and I'll stick with it until there's nothing left. Then I'll convert my big dishes to circular and have the biggest Dish network dishes in America.. :D
several sayings come to mind... if u cant duck it f--- it , its broke.... u might be a redneck if.... great temp fix tho as a second thought drive a nice long pole in the ground & use a bungie strap
From DEE: "So I tightened up some bolts and hung a cinder block on it with a steel cable and some duct tape."
Just had to comment on this because I see it so often. It looks like a cement block to me. When people call cement blocks cinder blocks it sort of dates them. As an example my house that was built in the early 1950's IS made out of cinder blocks. With the quality of coal so low it is hard to find any "cinders" anymore. Not even sure if you can buy a true "cinder" block anymore.
But anyway, it was a good short term fix for your floppy disc < the dish.
Can't wait for the monster dish to go up!

From DEE: "So I tightened up some bolts and hung a cinder block on it with a steel cable and some duct tape."
Just had to comment on this because I see it so often. It looks like a cement block to me. When people call cement blocks cinder blocks it sort of dates them. As an example my house that was built in the early 1950's IS made out of cinder blocks. With the quality of coal so low it is hard to find any "cinders" anymore. Not even sure if you can buy a true "cinder" block anymore.
But anyway, it was a good short term fix for your floppy disc < the dish.
Can't wait for the monster dish to go up!


JFYI, I'm 51. I was born 2 months before Yuri Gagarin went into space and orbited the earth.

So yeah, I'm old. Cinder block is the only thing I've ever heard them called..
JFYI, I'm 51. I was born 2 months before Yuri Gagarin went into space and orbited the earth.

So yeah, I'm old. Cinder block is the only thing I've ever heard them called..
You're young! I was born back when Lassie was called "Jeff's Collie" and was just starting on TV. Me too...never heard them called concrete blocks.
I'm 23. I've only ever called them cinder blocks.

- Trip

I call it an 8" block, and they weigh about 28lbs. During my short construction career, one of my first tasks was un-stacking entire pallets of those #!!@ things, and stacking them on identical pallets (company-owned) right next to them, so they block-supplier could have his stupid pallets back. It was typical make-work stupidity for greenhorns lol. Sure makes your arms/shoulders hurt! Hey Dee pm me your address and I'll send you a copy of my all-commercial dvd,haha! I got all the good ones.
I'm 23. I've only ever called them cinder blocks.

- Trip
Wow! What a surprise. I know if you went into the local company that makes them and ask for 5 or 6 pallets of cinder blocks, they would look at you sideways and ask "You want what?"
Turbosat, That was a hell of a job. They are heavy.
Dee, I wish I was 51. Then maybe some one would give me a job. No one hires old people.

Ah, back to topic, it would be nice to have OTA ------ more than 5 channels. And really nice if there was less snow on those 5 (and more) than there is on the ground and in the air.... I thank GOD every day for Satellite Guys and satellite TV!

And of course, I am also thankful that the rain (and snow melt) all runs down to the creek - and then to the beautiful Columbia River! No floods here.
Snow!? That stuff only appears on the ground outside. I guess the digital age hasn't arrived yet there. We live in a world of only 3 OTA. But the channels are crispy 720p and 1080i digital with just simple amplified rabbit ears on the shelf. Just like the good old days...except a perfect shadow-free picture all the time.
Ah, back to topic, it would be nice to have OTA ------ more than 5 channels. And really nice if there was less snow on those 5 (and more) than there is on the ground and in the air....

Depending on where you are relative to Goldendale, if the local translators have not lied to the FCC, you should be able to get digital versions of KOIN 6-1, KOPB 10-1, KPTV 12-1, and KPDX 49-1. The KGW translator holds a permit to go digital, but is currently analog. The translators for KATU and KRCW do not currently hold permits to go digital.

- Trip
I don't get SNOW on my OTA channels. It is all digital here, but without a proper antenna (I am just using a $20 indoor antenna from walmart) I find it rather lacking to get all the OTA stations at one time.

I can receive a bunch of channels, more than the site "TVFools" (I think that is the name) says I should. But, I have to be creative in positioning and aiming this antenna. The darned antenna is no bigger than a stack of 30 sheets of typing paper. But, it has to be positioned just right to get signals from one direction or the other. I got it set to pull in nine channels. But, I only watch two, MeTV and ThisTV.

One thing I have to say about digital TV, it ain't everything they claim it to be if you only have a whimpy antenna and a fringe signal. Rather than getting a snowy picture, you get NOTHING. If the signal is weak, it is much more annoying than a snowy picture of the old analog days.

Trust me, I know all about the difference between analog and digital signals and what is required to pull in the digital ones. But, my point is that, when you're not quite tuned in, the dropouts of the digital signals are MUCH MORE annoying than having a weak analog signal.

Shucks, I grew up with weak analog signals. Taking turns adjusting the antenna or being a human extension of the antenna and constantly adjusting the vertical or horizontal hold of the TV as it warmed up. We always found a way to watch our favorite shows. To be honest, it is now a fond memory. Dee, a few others and I have chatted about replacing tubes and trips to the local drugstore to use their tube testing machine before. Fond memories indeed, especially for me of my Dad, who has since passed.

Technology has really changed our world, but not always entirely for the better as even the digital signals have their lackings. Well, you know what I mean. But, one thing is for certain, I can watch reruns and that makes me most happy! Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Big Valley, Petticoat Junction, Twilight Zone, etc, etc, etc. A very long list!

I guess I am stuck in the past when it comes to TV programs, but I just cannot stand the current ones. I have to go back to at least the mid 80's for sure. The 40's are too far back for me. But, the 50's - 80's are just fine. I am just glad that someone else agrees and offers / airs the old stuff for me to watch. How about you?

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