I am soooo mad right now!!!!


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jun 25, 2004
Southern Colorado
I don't know if this is the right place for this or not .If not please move.
I just got off the phone with Dish tech support.I argued with this guy for 30min over replacing my defective 622.It does the loud screech black screen thing every hour.It is imposable to watch.He told me it was a software issue that they are not replacing any units and I would have to wait until they fix it.I paid 600+ for this thing and my 125 per month and have to wait for a fix that "Has no time line".What a bunch of crap!After a long fight with him, he says I will transfer you to billing because your account is "Locked" then hung up on me.I know there is no lock on my account he was just tiered of dealing with me.Can someone here help me? this just isn't right.Thanks
I have a feeling I may have talked to the same guy this morning and got the same story you did. He was very nasty and mumbled and when I asked him to repeat he got very angry and spoke like so slow that I felt like he was treating me like I was senile.

Later I called back and got a different person who was night a day better. I didn't have to ask about a replacement...he suggested it to me and gave me an RA# and apologized for the trouble I was having with my HDMI. Lots of differences in these guys. The first was a real bastard. I wish I had remembered his name as I would have logged a complaint.
If it happens again, kindly ask for the CSR's operator number, then nicely ask to speak to their supervisor. When you speak to the supervisor, kindly tell them what has dissatisfied you, and ask for a solution. This action should improve the behavior of the CSR in the future, if not then compiled complaints will either get the CSR some remedial training and/or a long wait in the unemployment line. The fact is E* has 12+ million customers but you are their most important customer.
I had to write an e-mail to Charlie, that is after talking to 3 other CS reps, 2 hours on the pho ne, and getting hung up on 3 times (Line would just go dead when asking for a Supervisor).
See, the thing is, the CSRs don't want to get in trouble. So, they won't transfer you to their supervisor. They just hang up on you because they know you have no rebutal once you are disconnected.

If I was stupid enough to be a CSR, I wouldn't transfer angry customers to my manager either.
ChetK said:
See, the thing is, the CSRs don't want to get in trouble. So, they won't transfer you to their supervisor. They just hang up on you because they know you have no rebutal once you are disconnected.

If I was stupid enough to be a CSR, I wouldn't transfer angry customers to my manager either.

Good point....

Nice to get the name when you start - but I think most of the CSR's in Inda are "John Smith".

So, there's an operator number too?
Ok.Called back this morning.First tech was Jahred.He was nice said that my account was open in another dept and I would have to call another number to clear it.I called they said I had shut off a receiver last year and it was never reactivated(It's a 301 and it's in the attic)so they cleared it.Got the second tech on the phone Michelle.She said to tell her which 622 it was.I did she gave me RA#.Told me the replacement will go out today and I should have it no later than Friday.Now why didn't the first guy do this?I will write down the names that I deal with from now on.I told her about the other guy and she apologized.I know she knew who did it because they didn't even ask me the problem with the 622 they knew already.Thanks for the help.
I had the same problem with one of the "Advanced Tech's".

Tuner 1 was giving me trouble on my 622... losing connection with the switch and recording black.
I called in and spoke to a tech who was clearly not interested in helping. Wanted me to move my to another spot in the house "to make sure there aren't any cabling issues" This after I told him I ran a temporary line from the 622 outside to the switch to make sure that wasn't the problem. He still wouldn't budge.

Finally on the third call the tech politely listened to what I had previously done to troubleshoot and his only response was "Let's get you a replacement unit"

I realize that the tech's are trained to assume they're dealing with fencepost people however when someone is giving them information that clearly shows they know what they are talking about, is it so hard to listen?

Not 100% sure about Dish, but most places that have a Customer Service, when you call, and they bring up your info on the screen, it automatically logs it into the computer of who took your call.
ChetK said:
See, the thing is, the CSRs don't want to get in trouble. So, they won't transfer you to their supervisor. They just hang up on you because they know you have no rebutal once you are disconnected.

If I was stupid enough to be a CSR, I wouldn't transfer angry customers to my manager either.

What you need to do in this scenario is to ask for the CSR's name and ID number when the call is initiated. If they hang up on you, then you can just call back, ask the new CSR for the manager, stating that while you don't have a problem with them, you had a bad experience with the last call. When you get the manager, give him the name and ID of the CSR that hung up on you.
jsanders said:
What you need to do in this scenario is to ask for the CSR's name and ID number when the call is initiated. If they hang up on you, then you can just call back, ask the new CSR for the manager, stating that while you don't have a problem with them, you had a bad experience with the last call. When you get the manager, give him the name and ID of the CSR that hung up on you.
Agreed. But there's two small problems with that scenario.

  • I never remember to get their information at the beginning of the call. I'm to busy thinking about the task at hand.
  • They can lie and tell you their name is Joe Blow and id number is 12345.
I don't REALLY believe those calls are "monitored to insure quality control."
OK a couple of problems. Unless E* documents which person takes your call you have no idea if the info you are given is correct.

Ive known people who were CSRs for companies and theyd give you a fake name. Ive had trouble with D* CSR's, been diconected and called right back to speak to that person or complain to a supervisor, and they all play the I have no way to find that person game.

Unless Customer Service issues or calls are documented internally there isnt much the caller can do.
ChetK said:
See, the thing is, the CSRs don't want to get in trouble. So, they won't transfer you to their supervisor. They just hang up on you because they know you have no rebutal once you are disconnected.

If I was stupid enough to be a CSR, I wouldn't transfer angry customers to my manager either.

i can testify to this when i was working tech support for a very well know companyvvvvvvv, if the cust wanted a supervisor, it was commond knoledge to either dump them back into the que or to drop the line, which there is ways to make it see as a mistake, i personaly loved allways getting callers for the msn support or west cost in my east cost que, saying they was transferd to me, apologized and dumped them back in the right que, or if i knew a person know for doing that was on the floor, dump them to him.
boston area dtv said:
OK a couple of problems. Unless E* documents which person takes your call you have no idea if the info you are given is correct.

Ive known people who were CSRs for companies and theyd give you a fake name. Ive had trouble with D* CSR's, been diconected and called right back to speak to that person or complain to a supervisor, and they all play the I have no way to find that person game.

Unless Customer Service issues or calls are documented internally there isnt much the caller can do.

thats another thing i need to mention, the company i was working for told us to give whatever name we wanted, that quote "you can be who ever you want to be on the phone" personaly i dident do it, except to change from my name of richard, to either dick, rick, richie, ect.... it was allways fun to get that same cust a week later asking for me as , hey are you ricky, or i talked to dick the outher day and you sound just like him.

Dish 322 061 Boot Recovery Error

Leaving E* for Comcast

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