HR20-700 Scheduled for install on 10-02-06 :)

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Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 4, 2005
Garland, TX (Near Dallas)
I am so excited I just had to share the news :D

I called the retention department and was able to get the HR20-700 scheduled for install, along with the new AT9 dish, for free :up

I will give you guys an update on how the install goes and my initial impressions of the new HD-DVR :)

WooHoo!!! :D
VettePilot said:
I am so excited I just had to share the news :D

I called the retention department and was able to get the HR20-700 scheduled for install, along with the new AT9 dish, for free :up

I will give you guys an update on how the install goes and my initial impressions of the new HD-DVR :)

WooHoo!!! :D

Awesome I got a promise to get one too when they are available in my area.

What part of the country are you in?
How did your install go on 10.02? My upgrade is scheduled for Saturday 10.06. I also live in the Garland (Dallas) area.
Hey scottia,

The install went very smooth. The new dish is huge!!!! :eek:

I will take pictures later after I zip tie and finalize the routing of all the cables.

The installer did use the two extra supports to stabilize the dish. I actually assisted with the install (handed the dish to him from the ladder) to ensure that everything went smoothly ;)

The HR20 booted up just fine the first time and the activation went fairly smooth. I did have to reboot to get the local channels.

Shortly after activation was complete, a software update notice popped up and I installed it. After the new software was installed I had a few issues with the Dolby Digital sound making popping and cracking sounds. I had to unplug the unit over night to allow my HR10-250 to record scheduled shows but after I restarted the HR20 the next day the sound issues were gone :up

I had to reroute some cables and I installed the WB68 multiswitch that I bought last week. I now have two more cables run temporarily to run the HR20 and HR10 at the same time :)

Later next week I will run the cables through the attic .... fun... fun :(

The HR20 has been working great so far. I recorded a few shows last night on the local mpeg 4 HD stations and compare the picture quality to the HR10 OTA signal. Have a five year old Hitachi 61" 61UWX10B rear projection HDTV. I Component Video Cables and the 1080i setting.

Viewing local HD shows on both the the HR10 and HR20 I am unable to really tell any discernable difference in picture quality. The both look awesome :up

So far I am pretty happy and I may sell the HR10 and get another HR20.
VettePilot said:
So far I am pretty happy and I may sell the HR10 and get another HR20.
I've got a commitment on my HR10-250 until August, but as things stand right now, I plan to do the same at that time.

I had some blank recordings on Sun. & Mon., but I did a reset and put it through it's paces yesterday and it worked fine.

I'm finding that I prefer the interface and features on the HR20 to the HR10.
bidger` said:
I've got a commitment on my HR10-250 until August, but as things stand right now, I plan to do the same at that time.

I had some blank recordings on Sun. & Mon., but I did a reset and put it through it's paces yesterday and it worked fine.

I'm finding that I prefer the interface and features on the HR20 to the HR10.

Don't they do free upgrades?
I did presume the WB68 Multi-Switch were apart of the standard upgrade to the HR20. I guess I am stuck with my 6802 for now until I purchase separately.

Anyone know if the tecs. will leave or even want my HR10 back since I purchased it outright for $600.00? I really wanted to follow VettePilot's setup and run mine adjacent to the HR20 for awhile, then sell it.

I prefer the HR20 interface to the HR10 as well. DirecTV did a good job :up



Yes they will upgrade you for free if you are an "A List" customer. At least that is what the CSR told me. If you are not an "A List" customer I am not sure what their policy is.



I have read that the tech will supply you with a WB68 Multi-Switch if you need one but I had already purchased one before I read that. I didn't ask the tech about it either.

When I called to get the free upgrade to the HR20, they wanted me to swap my HR10 for it but I told them to Bite Me!!! :D I purchased my HR10 from NewEgg back in February.

If you are persistent with the Retention CSR they will give you what you want. If not.... just hang up and keep calling back until you find a CSR that will give you what you want. Good luck :up
VettePilot said:

I prefer the HR20 interface to the HR10 as well. DirecTV did a good job :up



Yes they will upgrade you for free if you are an "A List" customer. At least that is what the CSR told me. If you are not an "A List" customer I am not sure what their policy is.



I have read that the tech will supply you with a WB68 Multi-Switch if you need one but I had already purchased one before I read that. I didn't ask the tech about it either.

When I called to get the free upgrade to the HR20, they wanted me to swap my HR10 for it but I told them to Bite Me!!! :D I purchased my HR10 from NewEgg back in February.

If you are persistent with the Retention CSR they will give you what you want. If not.... just hang up and keep calling back until you find a CSR that will give you what you want. Good luck :up

How would I know if I'm "A-List"?
Mtnmike said:
Call them and ask them. How else would you know?

Isn't there some kind of criteria you would have to meet to be on that list?

That was basically what I was asking

I guess I could call them but I would get an answer here first! They take too long on the phone to connect you with anyone who could tell me that!
They will give you stuff if you are a relatively new customer, too, if you are nice and not too pushy.

It might have something to do with how big a package you are subscribing to, I don't know, but since July I got 1HR20, 2R15s, a regular receiver, and of course the AT9 dish/WB68 switch combo for about $39. I do subscribe to Sunday Ticket, Superfan, and Total Choice Premiere.
Can somebody PM the customer retension number to me Please!?

Also, if you bought your HR10 before the "lease" stuff started but you're still under a 2 year contract, will they upgrade you for free? It's probably based on the CSR but I was wondering if anyone had successfully completed the transaction.
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