We got an HR20-100 on 9/24. We noticed right away it took a smidge longer to change ch annels than it did before with our H20. I mean 3 seconds compared to 2. We figured it was that the DVR tapes what you are watching for instant replay. When you switched the ch annel, it would be all grey (the screen) for a second or 2 then your new channel would appear.
Well as of last night, it takes about 12-15 seconds to change a channel. The menus navigate very fast. However, if you type in a number or pick from the guide, the new channel is selected (the blue top bar comes on with the channel) but the video takes about 12-15 to come onto your screen. It's no longer grey either.. it's all black.
I checked, and there were no updates.
Well as of last night, it takes about 12-15 seconds to change a channel. The menus navigate very fast. However, if you type in a number or pick from the guide, the new channel is selected (the blue top bar comes on with the channel) but the video takes about 12-15 to come onto your screen. It's no longer grey either.. it's all black.
I checked, and there were no updates.