TYORK, as you know, I've had a long and colorful association with getting VoOm installed. Not all VoOm's fault, not all Installs, Inc.'s fault, not all my fault. Different factors at different times have played into it all.
My current status is I'm reinstalled, have a 24" dish (branded VoOm, by the way!) and an upgraded OTA that is still giving me problems on my most-watched channel, which should not be a problem to receive.
My satellite reception is great, and I'm no judge of PQ, but from what little I've had time to watch so far, it looks pretty darn good to me!
Anyone interested can search for posts under my name going back to about May of last year for the full history. I'm currently in a holding pattern, with a good installer on hand, but am waiting until I can provide more specific details of when and how I have problems with my most-watched channel. It varies with time of day, not to mention the weather. May even be "channel related" as my most-watched and it's sister channel are both problems.
I just wish there were some way to weed out the bad-apple installers before they get to
any customer's house.
People like
TYORK and my current installer,
Mark, with Shasta Electronics, are too few and far between; but I've seen this situation improving according to some posts here, and I believe it
will be mastered...I just hope it's soon enough...with
TYORK's help and new customers willing to report and refuse poor installation tactics, I
think it will be!! Ever hopeful! Still confident!! Vicki