How to tell what dish I have (multiswitch/tivo related)

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Original poster
Dec 28, 2004
I had directv installed about 2 years ago at my apartment. The dish is on the roof (best line of sight around trees). It's an oval dish with local channels. And I have 2 lines running from the roof into my apartment. All was fine (reciever in bedroom and livingroom) until I got this dual tuner tivo. Now I want to expand my lines to 3 so that all my tuners are functioning. But I can't get to the roof to do anything without a BIG production of having extra long ladders in, blocking the driveway, etc.

The questions I have are:

How do I tell what type of dish I have and what kind of multiswitch should I get?

I do have a spot outside the house where the 2 lines come down and are connected to the 2 wires going into the house - are these the 2 lines for the multiswitch and since I didn't need more than two - the technicians just direct connected them?

Thank you in advance for your help!
where are you located and look at the dish, does it have two lnbs on the arm with a space between them??? if so you got a trip to the roof coming!! and dont buy a multiswitch yet , most paratodos dishes had 4X4 COMBINING switches on the back side,in that case all you have to do is run another line from it to the tivo . if you have the twin 2X1 , which is a double 2 in 1 out (a glorified double diplexer) , you need a new dish or a 4X4 switch. and still a trip to the roof, and remember this is not a regular multiswitch

I am sad to say - that I don't know the answer to the lnb question. The place/angle of the dish doesn't allow a view from the ground. :(

I just looked at my reciever settings (R10) and it says multi-switch 4 port. Does that help?

Any technicians who can give me an idea of how much a trip to to the roof would cost?
you have the paratodos 4X4 combining, that saved you money , go to the roof and add a line to one of the un used ports on the bottom of the gray multiswitch. you are going to the roof, period


BTW, that would depend how high the roof is :yes
Uh...the roof...well...I have to say - a multi-family house - 3 stories. And the worst's STRAIGHT UP - no intermittent stops. That's why they need the "LONG ladder" and a truck to secure the base. It has scared more than a few people going up there.....
Argh....any way I can make the most of the service call - like getting the dish upgraded? I mean if I'm going to pay for the effort, might as well get the latest equipment....I wonder how much Directv would charge me for a new dish?
There isn't really any need for a better dish. The oval 3 lnb dish is pretty much the top of the line except in very specific circumstances (foreign channels etc). Your best bet is to call a local DTV retailer and see if they will send someone over. If you are in luck you may find someone in your immediate area and maybe you will only have to pay for time and materials versus paying for travel too. If you buy the TIVO from them you might also get a price break, good luck.
The TIVO was an x-mas gift from the family. They bought it from vendor on here....what's the name...?Value electronics?.
Oh wait, I just thougth of something....when I realized what a problem this roof thing was turning out to be (roof was resurfaced and workers didn't put the dish back where it belonged). I signed up for the service protection plan (gave me a discount on the service call). Would that cover this?
yes to realign the dish or eq failure .

value electronics is a sponser of this site, ask the mods advice how to contact him , the install usually comes with the purchase.

Dragon he really doesnt fall into this category !
yes to realign the dish or eq failure .

He is in an upgrade situation and is already a D sub.

ps ; that is a nice avitar you are runnin there dragon...
VOOMER said:
Dragon he really doesnt fall into this category !
yes to realign the dish or eq failure .

He is in an upgrade situation and is already a D sub.

ps ; that is a nice avitar you are runnin there dragon...

I was going to say something like that.
guys read the post , i meant the insurance would take care of eq failures and dish issues, but this is an upgrade situation.

voomer thanks, it could have been a scarier dragon, but im sure happy

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