How to install for a fifth satellite


SatelliteGuys Crazy
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Jan 14, 2006
O'Fallon, IL
I will be a new customer soon and will require a 1000+ that will have 110, 118.7, 119, and 129 going to a DPP 44 switch. I will also need a second dish to pick up the Pentagon Channel from 61.5. How will the 61.5 be hooked up to the receivers? Thanks for the help.
I had a Dish retailer come do a site visit today. He was going to check to see if all the stuff on 129 could be picked up on 61.5 and maybe we can do as you suggest (Dish 500+). He just said that for our area zip 62269 a 1000+ is required for new installs and all four satellites are needed. I will be getting the everything pak with HD and locals, also the superstations and the multi-sport pak. I hope 129 isn't needed because of all the troubles I have read about it. But if not, I wonder how a fifth satellite is hooked up!!
That should work for you, I am located about 75 miles northeast and I use a Dish500 w/ DPP Twin and a wing for 61.5.
Dish 500+ and Dish 1000+ are the same thing except that you add a mountiong bracket for 129 on the end cluster to make it a Dish 1000+
Only problem you will have with having a 500 + and a wing for 61.5 is you will be missing your regional fox sports HD station which as of right now is only on the 129 orbital
Wow, so how will a fifth satellite be worked in since DPP44 switch will only except four. It seems to me that I could get what all channels I want without a fifth satellite involved. I do not know how to figure what all channels come in on which satellites. Can anyone help me? Zip code 62269.
Would would all satellites be seen on both turners or would the satellites be divided up through TV1 and TV2? Thanks for your help.
With a 5-sat install using DPP44 and DP21's you get all channels on all tuners that are connected to a DP21.
The problem with 5 satellite feeds is that you need to run a cable to each of the inputs on the 2 tuner satellite boxes. You cannot use the DPP separator. Each satellite input needs its own DP21, with one feed from the 61.5 and one from the DPP44.

They will also charge you for this. The pentagon channel is not something dish will provide equipment for you to receive. If you happen to point to the satellite for some other reason (local channels) you get it as a bonus. The installer might charge you for the extra cable run to 2 tuner boxes as well. So, the installer would probably end up charging you for 1) the extra dish 2) the DP21s 3) running extra cables. You might be able to bargain with them, especially if it is a local dealer.
The problem with 5 satellite feeds is that you need to run a cable to each of the inputs on the 2 tuner satellite boxes. You cannot use the DPP separator. Each satellite input needs its own DP21, with one feed from the 61.5 and one from the DPP44.

They will also charge you for this. The pentagon channel is not something dish will provide equipment for you to receive. If you happen to point to the satellite for some other reason (local channels) you get it as a bonus. The installer might charge you for the extra cable run to 2 tuner boxes as well. So, the installer would probably end up charging you for 1) the extra dish 2) the DP21s 3) running extra cables. You might be able to bargain with them, especially if it is a local dealer.

Very likely, that is going to be the case. To the OP, I'm still rather curious why you need BOTH the 129 and 61.5. Is there an exclusive set of programming on the 129 that is not on the 61.5?
That is the question I need help with. I don't know what programs/channels come on which satellite. Is there an easy way to figuire that out? Zip code 62269. I want the the Everything pakwth HD, HD locals, Superstations, Muti-Sports pak, and the Pentagon channel. I can click on the individual program/channels but that would take forever. The HD pak does not say which satellite except for the HD locals. I do know the Pentagon channel is 61.5. All others seem to be on 110, 118, and 119. I would like to now use 129 if I can get everything on the other four satellites.
I hear you. I don't want to deal with five satellites. I may have to drop something. I will try to figure out things lakebum431. Thanks for the info.
I have been looking that channel list thing over and it appears that not that much is on 129 but 61.5 has lotsa things. And, some programs appear to have a choice of 129 or 61.5. All this satellite stuff is new to me but I am learning from everyones help. I suppose an A/B switch is out of the question! Lets say 61.5 and 129 went to a manual A/B switch then feed into one of the ports on a DPP44 switch. I will have all leads and switches at a central location in my basement and I could just push the button when I wanted 61.5 or 129. Why wouldn't that work?
I have been looking that channel list thing over and it appears that not that much is on 129 but 61.5 has lotsa things. And, some programs appear to have a choice of 129 or 61.5. All this satellite stuff is new to me but I am learning from everyones help. I suppose an A/B switch is out of the question! Lets say 61.5 and 129 went to a manual A/B switch then feed into one of the ports on a DPP44 switch. I will have all leads and switches at a central location in my basement and I could just push the button when I wanted 61.5 or 129. Why wouldn't that work?

Oh, it would work. But let's face it, is it REALLY,REALLY worth the time, money and effort; for what amounts to either (a) the Pentagon channel or (b) RSNs (I give my vote to the RSNs...LOL). Every time you swapped wing orbitals you'll also have to do another checkswitch (assuming you're going to go with the A/B switch idea).

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