How to "COPY" DVR movies to HDD as a backup ... possible?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 15, 2009
I would like to copy most of my DVR to the external HDD as a backup ... not just move them there. Every time the receiver fails I lose the recordings and now if the external HDD failed I will lose them. Solution is to have a backup.

Is this possible?
A simple solution is to record the same movie more than once! ;)

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
Yep. There is no way to make a copy of your original recording, only transfer it so recording a movie twice would work. More than one DVR? have them both record it.....and one step more have two EHD's one for each DVR since an EHD is much less likely to fail than the internal ones.
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I believe Dish is following the "one copy" rule of the DMCA, which is why you don't have "Copy" as an option. :( You can get around this limitation by making a backup of your EHD using Linux; partitions are all ext3. Now let's hope this fact doesn't attract attention and force Dish to change it to some proprietary format. :eek:
Thanks for the replies ... I didn't think I could do it. Just frustrated with the high failure rate on the internal HDD's and losing all my stuff every time.
Thanks for the replies ... I didn't think I could do it. Just frustrated with the high failure rate on the internal HDD's and losing all my stuff every time.

If you are having multiple failures I would be looking at the placement of the unit causing high temperatures or you may have some sort of electrical issue. Drives do fail, but it's not the "norm".

Should I cancel Dish for U-Verse?

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