How to add a 5th Receiver


Original poster
May 15, 2004
Hi Guys..

Just found the Forum so Sorry if this post has been answered or in the Wrong Place.

How do you add a 5th Receiver to a Dish 500 System ?..

I cannot find anything on this subject.

I agree - although switches will work, it's probably cheaper to just add a Dual LNBF - or even a Quad if you want even more expansion for dual-tuner receivers.

Of course, if your expansion is more likely to be a 3rd satellite, then add a switch instead. Which switch? It depends on whether you're DishPro or Legacy, plus how important it might be for the 3rd satellite to go to the 5th receiver.

Lots of variables hanging out. Tell us your receiver types, and LNB types (if it doesn't have a "DP" logo, it's legacy). Then we'll come up with specific solutions for ya. :)
If the system is DishPro, you can always use a DishPro quad and a DP34. Two of the DishPro quads outputs can go to the DP34, and two of the receivers can be hooked directly to the quad.

Total outputs will be six.
Two different CSRs in the tech group of Dish told me that you can't run two lines from a quad (DishPro) to a DP34. They told me the quad must be replaced with twin. The lines of the twin go to a DP34 and then a second DP34 is cascaded for the extra lines. Has anyone actually run two lines from their quad to a DP34 and then successfully used more than four lines that way? The reason the techs gave me was that the quad had a built in switch that would not be compatible with the DP34. Obviously I have no great amount of trust in the CSRs, but two people told me the same thing and one of them asked me to hold while checking with a third person. If their info is wrong, I will have spent extra money for the switches and twin LNB.
erasmu said:
Two different CSRs in the tech group of Dish told me that you can't run two lines from a quad (DishPro) to a DP34. They told me the quad must be replaced with twin. The lines of the twin go to a DP34 and then a second DP34 is cascaded for the extra lines. Has anyone actually run two lines from their quad to a DP34 and then successfully used more than four lines that way? The reason the techs gave me was that the quad had a built in switch that would not be compatible with the DP34. Obviously I have no great amount of trust in the CSRs, but two people told me the same thing and one of them asked me to hold while checking with a third person. If their info is wrong, I will have spent extra money for the switches and twin LNB.
The "DishPro Quad LNBF Installation Guide" (document #114548) shows (page 11) the Quad being used with single and cascaded DP34's. there's nothing in the text about using specific ports, but the diagram shows Ports 1 & 2 being used. I wouldn't bother risking a 'split-plane' problem by using Ports 2 & 3, or other variations other than 3 & 4 if you had to.
Using a DPQuad and a DP34 works just fine for 5/6 recievers. That's how one of our test benches is set up.
SimpleSimon and bcshields, thank you for the information. It just shows again how, although well-meaning, Dish CSRs can give you expensive disinformation. Thanks again.

Ed R
"If the system is DishPro, you can always use a DishPro quad and a DP34. Two of the DishPro quads outputs can go to the DP34, and two of the receivers can be hooked directly to the quad."

OK Guys..

Well I'm doing it for a Neighbor..

He has the SBC Deal..

1 Dual Tuner and 2 Single Tuners..

It's the 500 Series Dish (The One with the 2 Lnb's and 4 Outputs

As Dish Network uses Lh/Rh Circular Polarities and deliver a signal from both 110w and 119w..

Can someone tell me how I get L / R Circular signals from both satellites simultaneously..

You Need to use all 4 Outputs... 1 LH 110w 2 RH 110W 3 LH 119w 4 RH 119w ?..

If I am wrong please explain this to me..

elbizarro said:
"If the system is DishPro, you can always use a DishPro quad and a DP34. Two of the DishPro quads outputs can go to the DP34, and two of the receivers can be hooked directly to the quad."

OK Guys..

Well I'm doing it for a Neighbor..

He has the SBC Deal..

1 Dual Tuner and 2 Single Tuners..

It's the 500 Series Dish (The One with the 2 Lnb's and 4 Outputs

As Dish Network uses Lh/Rh Circular Polarities and deliver a signal from both 110w and 119w..

Can someone tell me how I get L / R Circular signals from both satellites simultaneously..

You Need to use all 4 Outputs... 1 LH 110w 2 RH 110W 3 LH 119w 4 RH 119w ?..

If I am wrong please explain this to me..


Don't overthink it. You DO need to know if it's DishPro - but if it's a new install, it should be. Look for the DP logo. If the LNBF is a "Quad" it can directly feed 110/119 to 4 tuners - one cable per tuner, no switch needed (it's built into the Quad). Period.

If you need a 3rd satellite or 5th receiver (sorry, you probably said so or not early in the thread, but whatever), then you must add a switch - the DP34. As I've already said, use Ports 1 & 2 of the Quad plus one cable from the other LNBF.

If it's not DishPro, well, we'll start over.

Now, to explain the why - DishPro 'stacks' the L/R of a given satellite onto one cable and uses receiver-controlled commands to switch between satellites. A DP34 forces it's Input 1 to one sat and Input 2 to the other. Input 3 is always single-satellite. The DP34 switches the appropriate feed onto an output port based on the receivers commands.
Yes they are DishPro.

OK thanks I just Kinda Wondered how it could be done..

In europe you would need to separate all Signal Polarities L / R onto Separate Cables..

Thus 2 for 110w and 2 for 119w.

If as you say both Polarities are Superimposed onto the same cable then of course there will be no Problem..

Many Thanks for your Help..

elbizarro said:
... In europe you would need to separate all Signal Polarities L / R onto Separate Cables...
Yeah - that's how it was before switches or DishPro. Check up on the SW64 - the Legacy version of the DP34. Each satellite needs 2 cables for just that reason.

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