How the Patriots (and their fans) can get back some level of respect


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 14, 2007
Fishers, IN
Alternately titled, "Why everyone not wearing Rosie(Colvin)-colored glasses hates the Patriots - nope, it's not jealousy"

Before I begin, to Patriots fans reading this: spare me your "we don't care about your respect" posts - you obviously do, or you wouldn't be in all of the other threads complaining about "Patriot Haters."

2nd thing before I begin: This is still (mostly) just for fun, let's all try to remember that... I'm just trying to help here. :)

1. Fire your coach. Yes, I know he's a "genius," but he's also a cheater and, by all accounts, a jerk to anyone he doesn't deem worthy of his attention, which is most of America.
Alternate #1: At least get the guy to smile once in a while, maybe just try to act a little magnanimous to other coaches and reporters... None of them added laxative to his orange juice this morning, so it would be great if he would stop acting like they did.

2. Stop acting like you're God's gift to football. Seriously, they haven't lost a game all year, but after the ones that have been close you wouldn't know it by listening to them. All they can talk about is how badly they played, like that is the only reason why the JV team on the other side of the field would have any chance at kissing their cleats.

3. Stop complaining about and/or berating the officials after a game you have just WON. It's bad enough seeing the way certain teams act toward the officials after a tough loss (see: Baltimore) and I can't stand that either, but to do it after a game you've won is just ridiculous. Three days' (at least) worth of whining after the Colts game, Mike Vrabel berating an official on the way into the locker room after the Ravens game... come on. But I guess if you're God's gift to football there must be some conspiracy going on for the game to be close.

4. Stop complaining about the other teams' fans complaining about the officials after a game you've won. See #3. With that kind of behavior from you after a win, you have no business getting on someone else's fans after their team just lost a heartbreaker (not saying I agree with their complaining either, but still).

5. Stop going for it on 4th down when you're up by 5 touchdowns in the 4th quarter. Yes, I know the other team are professionals too (not that you would know it based on the way some of the Pats players talk), but there's a difference between that mentality and what you're doing. I'm not asking you to take a knee, but try playing your backups and handing the ball off once in while when you have a big lead.
Alternate #5: If you're intent on demolishing the rest of the league to prove some kind of point, at least admit that's what you're doing instead of insulting our intelligence by pretending you're not.

6. Stop making up stupid jokes and sending chain emails about the "new rules for the Patriots offense," etc. Or at least try to confine them to the NE area. No one else thinks they are remotely funny.

7. Put all of your backup copies of those tapes on the Internet and let us all know exactly what advantage (if any) you got from them. This is at least partially Roger Goodell's fault, and to be honest I'm not sure I really want to know, because it could be one of those things a league never recovers from (which is probably why we haven't seen them). There's just something fishy about the way the whole thing was handled.

8. Lower your flags and march straight back to England, stopping at every home you pass by to beg forgiveness for 100 years of theft, rape, and murder. Do that, and your men shall live. Do it not, and everyone of you will die today. Oops, sorry, wrong list. Got a little carried away there....;)

OK, seriously - I really am just trying to have a little fun here, but you guys who are Pats fans can't read this without admitting that there is some truth to it, and without getting some kind of an understanding of why everyone feels the way they do about your team.

I think there are plenty of people who are tired of hearing about the '72 Dolphins who would gladly embrace the Patriots of 2001 if they were the ones going for this record, but all of the stuff that has happened recently is just too much for most of us to feel good about.

There's also the idea that they "bought" their team this year, and generally speaking that tends to turn people off... but I can't really begrudge them that, since they did it within the rules of the current system. BTW, the "lifelong fans" in the brand new Wes Welker jerseys don't really help this cause (yes, I'm talking to you, Bill Simmons).

OK, I think I've said my piece... let me have it.
Alternately titled, "Why everyone not wearing Rosie(Colvin)-colored glasses hates the Patriots - nope, it's not jealousy"

Before I begin, to Patriots fans reading this: spare me your "we don't care about your respect" posts - you obviously do, or you wouldn't be in all of the other threads complaining about "Patriot Haters."

2nd thing before I begin: This is still (mostly) just for fun, let's all try to remember that... I'm just trying to help here. :)

1. Fire your coach. Yes, I know he's a "genius," but he's also a cheater and, by all accounts, a jerk to anyone he doesn't deem worthy of his attention, which is most of America.
Alternate #1: At least get the guy to smile once in a while, maybe just try to act a little magnanimous to other coaches and reporters... None of them added laxative to his orange juice this morning, so it would be great if he would stop acting like they did.

2. Stop acting like you're God's gift to football. Seriously, they haven't lost a game all year, but after the ones that have been close you wouldn't know it by listening to them. All they can talk about is how badly they played, like that is the only reason why the JV team on the other side of the field would have any chance at kissing their cleats.

3. Stop complaining about and/or berating the officials after a game you have just WON. It's bad enough seeing the way certain teams act toward the officials after a tough loss (see: Baltimore) and I can't stand that either, but to do it after a game you've won is just ridiculous. Three days' (at least) worth of whining after the Colts game, Mike Vrabel berating an official on the way into the locker room after the Ravens game... come on. But I guess if you're God's gift to football there must be some conspiracy going on for the game to be close.

4. Stop complaining about the other teams' fans complaining about the officials after a game you've won. See #3. With that kind of behavior from you after a win, you have no business getting on someone else's fans after their team just lost a heartbreaker (not saying I agree with their complaining either, but still).

5. Stop going for it on 4th down when you're up by 5 touchdowns in the 4th quarter. Yes, I know the other team are professionals too (not that you would know it based on the way some of the Pats players talk), but there's a difference between that mentality and what you're doing. I'm not asking you to take a knee, but try playing your backups and handing the ball off once in while when you have a big lead.
Alternate #5: If you're intent on demolishing the rest of the league to prove some kind of point, at least admit that's what you're doing instead of insulting our intelligence by pretending you're not.

6. Stop making up stupid jokes and sending chain emails about the "new rules for the Patriots offense," etc. Or at least try to confine them to the NE area. No one else thinks they are remotely funny.

7. Put all of your backup copies of those tapes on the Internet and let us all know exactly what advantage (if any) you got from them. This is at least partially Roger Goodell's fault, and to be honest I'm not sure I really want to know, because it could be one of those things a league never recovers from (which is probably why we haven't seen them). There's just something fishy about the way the whole thing was handled.

8. Lower your flags and march straight back to England, stopping at every home you pass by to beg forgiveness for 100 years of theft, rape, and murder. Do that, and your men shall live. Do it not, and everyone of you will die today. Oops, sorry, wrong list. Got a little carried away there....;)

OK, seriously - I really am just trying to have a little fun here, but you guys who are Pats fans can't read this without admitting that there is some truth to it, and without getting some kind of an understanding of why everyone feels the way they do about your team.

I think there are plenty of people who are tired of hearing about the '72 Dolphins who would gladly embrace the Patriots of 2001 if they were the ones going for this record, but all of the stuff that has happened recently is just too much for most of us to feel good about.

There's also the idea that they "bought" their team this year, and generally speaking that tends to turn people off... but I can't really begrudge them that, since they did it within the rules of the current system. BTW, the "lifelong fans" in the brand new Wes Welker jerseys don't really help this cause (yes, I'm talking to you, Bill Simmons).

OK, I think I've said my piece... let me have it.

The guy who wrote this article should get fired before anything.
Also there is no truth of this **** post, I mean look at Colts/Ravens, except the Eagles, they are still QQ'ing because they are losers, and thats what losers do, go on the media and cry like little B*****s.
Spare me this crappy****** post.
It seems like some team's fan wrote this article because their team got their ass handed to them bad.
Deal with it, Patriots is the best in the business right now.
The Patriots don't cry as much as the Colts/Ravens fans. I mean look at the Colts, it took them nearly 2 weeks to get over the loss againt Patriots, and the Ravens, I dont think they practiced for 3 days straight, because they were crying in the lockeroom because they lost.
And cry me a river you Patriot haters.

BTW: I hate Don Shula, I think he should just stop showing up on Monday Night games, he is boring.
People need to stop comparing the Patrios with the 72's Dolphins, a lot of things changed in this many years, things got harder, not easier.
Also there is no truth of this **** post, I mean look at Colts/Ravens, except the Eagles, they are still QQ'ing because they are losers, and thats what losers do, go on the media and cry like little B*****s.
Spare me this crappy****** post.
It seems like some team's fan wrote this article because their team got their ass handed to them bad.
Deal with it, Patriots is the best in the business right now.
The Patriots don't cry as much as the Colts/Ravens fans. I mean look at the Colts, it took them nearly 2 weeks to get over the loss againt Patriots, and the Ravens, I dont think they practiced for 3 days straight, because they were crying in the lockeroom because they lost.
And cry me a river you Patriot haters.

BTW: I hate Scott Shula, I think he should just stop showing up on Monday Night games, he is boring.
People need to stop comparing the Patrios with the 72's Dolphins, a lot of things changed in this many years, things got harder, not easier.

Thanks for helping me make my point.

(Who's Scott Shula?)
hey re doing just fine. it is not so much that they don't care about respect as that all of the attentions shows that they really have it.

I don't condone the cheating incident but it is over.
Funny how Harrison was fined for taunting the Raven Coach today during the game yet no flag fell on that play. Kraft owns the officials and the commish.
As much as we hate to admit it, the PATRIOTS are the best team in a long time and have every reason to be the way they are. THey have beaten the STEELERS, COLTS, COWBOYS, AND CHARGERS this year, arguably among the top 5 teams in the NFL. They aren't perfect, but they haven't been beaten yet, and until they do, the rest of the NFL will have to look upon them with envy, and hope their great run ends in the playoffs. I could care less if they go 16-0 in the regular season, but I would hate to see them hoist the Lombardi Trophy in January.
5. Stop going for it on 4th down when you're up by 5 touchdowns in the 4th quarter. Yes, I know the other team are professionals too (not that you would know it based on the way some of the Pats players talk), but there's a difference between that mentality and what you're doing. I'm not asking you to take a knee, but try playing your backups and handing the ball off once in while when you have a big lead.
Alternate #5: If you're intent on demolishing the rest of the league to prove some kind of point, at least admit that's what you're doing instead of insulting our intelligence by pretending you're not.

Jeez...what a post. I'll chop down the quote to save a few pages.

If you don't like them going for the 4th down then tell the defense to stop them.

It's just a flippin' football game! Jeez...
They should have lost to the Ravens. Calls did not help the Ravens at all. I used to like the Pats when this BS deal with going on 4th and 3 from the opponent 10, up by 35 stuff started I was out. Because BB feels emasculated and needs to prove who has the biggest "truck" every week unfortunately the Perfect record will not be followed by the same level of class to match.
They should have lost to the Ravens. Calls did not help the Ravens at all. I used to like the Pats when this BS deal with going on 4th and 3 from the opponent 10, up by 35 stuff started I was out. Because BB feels emasculated and needs to prove who has the biggest "truck" every week unfortunately the Perfect record will not be followed by the same level of class to match.

They should have lost to the Ravens. Calls did not help the Ravens at all. I used to like the Pats when this BS deal with going on 4th and 3 from the opponent 10, up by 35 stuff started I was out. Because BB feels emasculated and needs to prove who has the biggest "truck" every week unfortunately the Perfect record will not be followed by the same level of class to match.

Oh really, well Favre threw a 46 yard td pass yesterday with 4 minutes left in the game up 24 points. Does that bother me, hell no, the pathetic Raider defense should of stopped it, but they didn't and that is on them. Maybe some people will call for Favre's knee to be taken out next time?
Oh really, well Favre threw a 46 yard td pass yesterday with 4 minutes left in the game up 24 points. Does that bother me, hell no, the pathetic Raider defense should of stopped it, but they didn't and that is on them. Maybe some people will call for Favre's knee to be taken out next time?

It bothers me....I am a Raiders fan...and whether it Favre or Brady, karma is a bitch!;) But yes, we are now...thanks to Beli-jerk, in an era where we now have to play full time defense even when your losing by 30 points and 1:15 left in the game. How can the Raiders defense be blamed, would YOU expect someone to throw a 46 yard bomb with 4 minutes left??!! That is like you having a flat tire on the side of the road and suddenly, you when you fix the flat, the other tire pops....would you expect that??!!
It bothers me....I am a Raiders fan...and whether it Favre or Brady, karma is a bitch!;) But yes, we are now...thanks to Beli-jerk, in an era where we now have to play full time defense even when your losing by 30 points and 1:15 left in the game. How can the Raiders defense be blamed, would YOU expect someone to throw a 46 yard bomb with 4 minutes left??!! That is like you having a flat tire on the side of the road and suddenly, you when you fix the flat, the other tire pops....would you expect that??!!

That's awesome! A Raiders fan complaining about sportsmanship!!! We don't forget what Jack Tatum did to Darryl Stingley pal!
what a bunch of whiners.

So where is all the venom when the vikings fake a fg up by 30pts last week?

no venom because no one cares.

I think the coach is a cheat. Everything in past should be questioned.

However this year they are just flat out better than everyone else.
That's awesome! A Raiders fan complaining about sportsmanship!!! We don't forget what Jack Tatum did to Darryl Stingley pal!

And that was when? Were you even thought of yet? Yep, the hit was late, but do I hold guys like Jack Lambert responsible for clothes lining people when it was legal? Or when offensive linemen chopping at the knees the way the HOGS of the Washington Redskins use to do....PLEASE, when you get a REAL argument come back....:rolleyes:

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