How many dishes?

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How do i found out how many dishes are need for my location to recieve locals and hd ? Is there a zip code type program ?
You can use mine as an example, because I'm not 100% sure.

I want core, NYC locals, and HD. Zip is 06825

Thinking Dish500 is ok, but a walkthrough wouldn't hurt...

Go to the above link and find out where you locals are (since you don't tell us where you are). Find out which satellite(s) they are on.

If they are on 110 or 119 then you'll need a Dish500 satellite dish.

If you find that some are on 61.5 or 148, then you'll need a Dish 300 pointing at one of those satellites.

If your locals are on 105 or 121, then you'll need a SuperDish to view them.

Now, the HDTV channels are on 110 and (61.5/148). So you'd need at least those two dishes to get the HD channels.
yup - this is going to get ugly if:

1) new installs can't get SuperDish for 105 on top of 110/119 (sounding more and more like this is a no)

2) WCBS-DT doesn't get on 110 soon (couldn't care less about HBO and MAX)
I have the same question. But for some reason the isn't working for me.

I live in Ridgecrest, Ca 93555

I am hoping to get HD CBS, HD HBO, HD SHOWTIME, and the stuff in the HD pack.

Can I do all this on one DISH500?
how do i get a dish 300 to point at the 148 sat? one of my locals is on there, does this mean dish should have installed a dish 300? If so how do i get them to do it?
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Dish HD Question - Adding 2nd Dish


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