I have basic cable with Internet. $104.00 I have no digital channels. No HD. No nothing. Internet part is $36. $68 for basic cable. Anyone else getting ripped off?
This is where Time Warner in the buffalo area is going in 2011.
Wow about as bad as mine. The problem is I rarely watch tv at all. This is why I have BASIC. : / Just in case I want to watch it. I watch more TV on the internet than on the TV.
They basically force you into a bundle, because they are my only option for high speed internet. However come next fall when my 2 years of promo pricing disappears (currently paying $130 a month plus $43 extra for 4 months for the NHL Centerice Package), if they don't come up with a package to keep me happy, I will bite the bullet and make my own bundle with directv and basic cable with internet.
What's cable tv?