Hi all. Yesterday I had a complete outage of all my E* service (61.5, 110, 119) that lasted over an hour from about 11 AM 'til well past noon. (I'm not sure exactly when the service came back on as I had switched to DVD for much of the duration.) In my 9+ years with E* I have never seen any outage last that long unless the power was off. I live in central PA. We had significant wind/snow conditions most of the day, but nothing excessive for this time of year. I looked at the dishes and saw some snow/ice build-up on the lower halves but the tops were clear, as were the LNBs. And I have seen worse over the years with uninterrupted service. When the signal finally came back on I didn't have any more outages for the rest of the day. Did anyone else in "my neck" experience something similar ??
TIA and BRgds...
TIA and BRgds...