Hot Fuzz HD-DVD gets 5/5 from HighDefDigest


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May 22, 2004
HD DVD Review: Hot Fuzz | High-Def Digest

Final Thoughts

Our site has never reviewed a release that's scored 5 stars overall -- in fact, this entire disc seems too good to be true. Not only is the movie entertaining and satisfying, but the video transfer is gorgeous, the audio packs significant punch, and there are approximately eighteen hours of entertaining supplemental materials.

Judged in comparison to the standard-def DVD, the video and audio packages are both significantly improved, and this HD DVD even includes ten hours of features that aren't even available on the US-released DVD.

Simply put, in my opinion, this is currently the best overall high-def release on the market -- especially when you factor in the price. Purchasing 'Hot Fuzz' on HD DVD is a no-brainer for fans and an easy recommendation for newcomers. This is what high definition is all about.
My wife and I watched this Saturday night and it is a great movie and it did look fantastic.
Rented it and watching now... excellent LFE, PQ and funny to boot and I'm just:45 into now ;) I believe it is a keeper...
After you watch it give it a review Here

Finally got around to watching it. Outstanding, but could have benefitted even more from a lossless track. Review up.


300 BD outsells HDDVD 300 2 to 1(if it was a surprise)

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