Cable is NOT going to cause a video and audio to be out of sync unless the video is noticeably freezing or pixelating.
Lip sync issues are generally introduced at the content provider but there is a chance the satellite system could exacerbate it. I've seen national and local news broadcasts WAY off one day then fine the next.
I have seen lip sync issues on DVR playback. Quite often, pausing then resuming or skipping forward/back will eliminate it. I haven't seen this in a very long time, possibly before I got the Hopper 3.
Most modern TVs have some amount of video delay. Audio FROM the TV will be corrected for this delay but if you are using an AV receiver and getting audio directly from the source (not back-fed from the TV), audio must be delayed. Typical delays are a couple of TV frames (30-70 mS). It also may vary depending on the mode the TV is in and what type of signal it is processing. My current LG OLED TV and Pioneer Elite receiver handshake over HDMI to correct for the TV's delay. If your components don't automatically set lip sync, you may need to do it manually.