It's intensely irritating. I could live with it if it were the only issue, but timers periodically decide to not record programs I'm looking forward to watching, or they'll record the first 40 minutes of an hour show and then stop recording for no reason. I figured it's a relatively new system and they just have to work some bugs out, but it's been months and months now, and it doesn't seen to be getting any better. Back in the days when I only had two tuners on my DirecTV DVR, I never seemed to have any problems at all getting to watch what I wanted-to. These days I have to constantly check my scheduling to make sure programs I want to record actually will, and that the PTA has remained off. It's just irritating. On the good side, I watch less TV these days rather than deal with the issues. I've had to buy two new remotes because my wife has gotten so mad she hurls them across the room while screaming 'I HATE THIS THING!"