Hidden D* HD lease fee?

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Apr 19, 2005
I called today to cancel the HD option on D* because it is a pure waste of money. I was told I would have to return my leased HR10-250 that I just paid $149 upfront a month ago for since I was not going to have the HD option and would not subscribe to the new 5llnb crap with HD.

I was NEVER told upfront that I would have to waste $10.00/month on nothing in order to keep the HR10-250 I paid upfront money for!

To me that constitutes an unwritten monthly lease fee and I think it is probably illegal as hell.

Here goes a letter to my state attorney general and the BBB!
Ummmm, good luck with that. Once again people just jump into something knowing absolutely nothing and then come to blame others.
FlyingJ said:
Ummmm, good luck with that. Once again people just jump into something knowing absolutely nothing and then come to blame others.

I just called D* back and challenged the CSR to point the 1 year HD package commitment out in their lease agreement.

We read thru the entire agreement and there was NOTHING that specifially said you had to keep the HD package for a year. You must carry a basic package yes, but not the HD package.

Since D* has already had numerous lawsuits against them, I suggested strongly that he point this problem out to D* so they can change their terms and commitments (sorry about that) before they lose another batch of unhappy customers, or worse yet, get sued for false advertising.

I did get the HD package free for a year as a result (as have several others lately).
I'll join a lawsuit with you as I'm sure many others would also.
As for flyingj and the other D* a$$ kissers, don't worry about their smartA$$ wisecracks......they seem to have no care for what D* does to their customers.
Strange. Pretty much any offer I've seen for the HR10-250 recently stated a commitment to the HD package for a year was needed. I guess I don't read so good these days.
Uh huh, you guys are going to sue D* over a $120 a year HD commitment that you ended up getting free anyway. You guys need to join the real world, oh and just curious as to why you thought "the HD was a pure waste of money" and why the "5 LNB crap with HD" is such a bad thing. Hope you feel good that rkr came to your rescue, just another guy that spends his money being a D* sub yet complains, complains, complains instead of going somewhere that will make him happy.
My buddy signed up for a free multi-room install, with multi-LNB and HR10-250 and it was specifically pointed out the need to maintain the minimum sub pack through the commitment; including the HD pack.
What I want to know is why oldguy, you have posts in the forum dated back in August 2005, yup, that's right August 2005, stating that you have to cancel the D*HD you just subscribed to because it's such crap. So a year goes by and your back to the same thing. I'm sorry I wasted my time telling you how stupid you are. You have been downgraded to pathetic.
Oh, and while I'm on a rant. RK start getting your facts straight, you just keep spewing garbage, like last weeks, "No way you can buy something at a store and have it still be a lease" how many times do you have to state things as fact when you don't know anything about what you are speaking of. Both of you, why are you D* subs if you hate them sooooo much.
OH God, I just realised that Oldguy lives in the same town I do. AAAARRRRRGH!!
Must be one of those freakin Luckeye Fans!
FlyingJ said:
What I want to know is why oldguy, you have posts in the forum dated back in August 2005, yup, that's right August 2005, stating that you have to cancel the D*HD you just subscribed to because it's such crap. So a year goes by and your back to the same thing. I'm sorry I wasted my time telling you how stupid you are. You have been downgraded to pathetic.

Because everytime I have called to cancel it, D* gave me some freebee to keep it, just like the present $10.00/month credit to keep it for another year.

Do you have nothing better to do than research everyone's message history? That's pathetic!

And apparently you don't read so good. I never said I was going to sue them. I said someone might do so.

Read this: KISS MY ASS!
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I switched from E* to D* and started to read this forum. Previously I was over in the Dishnetworking forum on SatelliteGuys.

What's up with the bashing each other? I see lot's of love over in the E* forums, but this is pathetic.
DishSatUser said:

I switched from E* to D* and started to read this forum. Previously I was over in the Dishnetworking forum on SatelliteGuys.

What's up with the bashing each other? I see lot's of love over in the E* forums, but this is pathetic.

This is not normal, there are a few anti D*, D* subs that like to start flame wars. In my experience if a D* sub asks a simple question in the E* side they are attacked by 5+ E* fan boys that have nothing better to do than cause trouble.

There are a handful in the D* side but for the most part everyone sticks together. There is ALLOT more cooperation on this side. I guess some demand that D* roll out the upgrades that they said would be in place by the END of 2007 today or they are in a constant "I'm leaving" state of mind.
believe me I will be leaving when my commitment is up. what I'm saying is "I" will not make a "purchase" from a retail store and have D* call it a lease. If you fools want too that's your business, just saying not "me"
one more thing...if no one ever complains nothing will ever get done. this is true in anything.........I complained about pot holes in my street....they paved it. if I had said nothing, nothing is what I would've got. I complained about neighbors loud obnoxious music, police shut'em down..if I hadn't called, guess what, they would still be partying. complained about my high intrest on my visa...they cut the rate...if I had'nt complained still be high, so set back and be taking advantage of if you wanna..............not me :D

I agree that you need to take your complaints directly to the source and to also let your fellow neighbors (or fellow DirecTV users) know about it.

That's not what I was noticing in the thread though, it was that some started to call oldguy1 pathetic that discouraged me about the attitudes in the forum. To put it into perspective, when you had the potholes repaired did you call your neighbors on the street pathetic since they didn't initiate this action?

An example is that I live on a private lane and when I moved in I started to complain that we didn't have a sign on the lane to let people know what addresses where on the lane. Several other property owners also used the same lane. Shortly after my complaints a sign showed up. I could easily have assumed that it was just my action, but when checking with the neighbors, they had been complaining for years and apparently my request was just what took it over the top to get the city to do something about it.

Currently, I don't feel taken advantage of. I had complained to Dishnetwork for years about problems and their unwillingness to provide an acceptable (to me at least) solution to replace a failed DVR had me looking for options. If over time I find that I don't like the service I get from DirecTV, I'll also complain and then eventually switch as well.

Of course, outside D and E there is only my local cable provider and the pricing they have for even basic cable is more expensive than total choice! So D would have to be pretty abismal for me to switch at this point. Likely the only way I'd switch would be back to E in the future and not likely until after a full mpeg4 roll-out has completed and the hardware solutions are solid.

Living in a free market as we do, I always live by the motto "Caveat emptor" (http://www.bartleby.com/59/18/caveatemptor.html for those that wonder what this means).

In any case, I truely hope you find the best solution for you when your commitment ends. Just because I've switched to D doesn't mean that I'm their fanboy. Again my response in this thread was to the comments directed to oldguy1 and how it didn't make me feel the love in this forum.
I feel you dude..........and I'm sure I wasn't the only complainer in any of my calls, but goes to show "the more the merrier"
rkr0923 said:
believe me I will be leaving when my commitment is up.
You weren't happy with VOOM DBS (or as you called it, DOOM), so what makes you feel that you will be any happier with Dish Network and their 15 channels of VOOM HD you won't be watching? If you're leaving because D* lied you...well, I can only tell you that E*is no different. If you're leaving for the sheer number of HD channels...then ok, but if you're leaving for HD quality, then forget it because DishHD quality is going down the crapper faster than I can say DishHD-Lite. I enjoyed the service for about a year, but I find myself watching two-thirds of my programming OTA due to their HQ quality issues. I'm still with E* because I purchased two of their HD DVRs, but I may just say the hell with them and make do with OTA (and my essentials *C subscription) until next year when D* actually has a decent HD lineup or when Verizon FiOS comes to my neighborhood.
yes I did hate voom, I admit that, due to the STB problems I had with them, constant reset (daily) was to much for me.
Will D* or E* ever offer a HD only package?
That's really all I want. Could care less about the countless SD stuff
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