HH Motors Ku

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Purchasing anything from China is always a bit of roll of the dice but my last HH motor purchase was from Alibaba and has thus far worked fine for almost 2 yrs. Could it die tomorrow? Sure but thus far I have no complaints. YMMV.
I'm assuming that you're talking about an HH motor for a BUD? I can't imagine $1200 for a motor for a 1 meter dish. I kinda wish I could get an HH mount for a BUD without taking out a loan against the house.
I can't imagine $1200 for a motor for a 1 meter dish.
That is a common thing sellers do to hold their spot, on eBay. They will put a crazy price on something, knowing no one will buy it.
In other words they ran out and expect to get more in.
What they said. The STAB120.

All of the motors from China are knockoffs of one sort or another. The STAB motors are very reliable and accurate.
When I purchased my Stab 90 a few years back was impressed with the owner's manual. Very thorough, well written, and included many different languages. Even included a wrench.
I have had an HH120 operating (still operating) for about 10 years. Took a beating during a wind storm a few years ago with a 1.2m dish on it, but a bit of welding and it's been working ever since. It would be overkill for a smaller 90cm dish but would likely last forever. If you are subject to bad wind storms though you might keep to a 1m dish size max.
I have also used an SG2100 for many years, it's been a good positioner too, but I believe the newer ones aren't as good.
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