I think vinnyv07, we just need to keep inviting any friends that only have SD sets over to your home and let them drool over HDTV content. I just had friends over on Sunday, we watched something on DVD, and I tossed on Voom. I forgot they are not HDTV savvy in the SLIGHTEST, and they had just bought a new TV.
THey kept saying, "Wow why does this TV look SO much clearer?" and "We have the same channels and our DirecTv doesn't look like this" so I started pimping the VOom HDTV, hitting channels like Equator, DiscoveryHD, HBO HD, Rave, and HDNews and they are now thinking about going to Voom. The Voom and HDTV is pushes the more channels will go HDTV to capture your interest..